This is the name of the place in which the מִשְׁכָּן stood
At the beginning of פרק א, this wife of אֶלְקָנָה has 10 children
This was עֵלִי's FIRST job mentioned in סֵפֶר שְׁמוּאֵל א׳
כֹּהֵן גָדוֹל
How did פְנִינָה speak to חַנָה in שִׁילֹה?
In a way that upset her, reminding her that she did not have children.
What is the name of the city in which חָנָה and פְּנִינָה lived?
רַמָתַיִים צוֹפִים
These two people were associated with the only brain rot term Rabbi Lit has ever used in class.
חָפְנִי & פִּנְחָס
(Phanom? Tax)
What are the two characteristics mentioned about חנה's davening (פרק א׳)
Her lips were moving
Her voice was not audible/heard (aka. davening silently)
Who is "The man from רמתים צופים" listed in פרק א׳, פסוק א׳?
What is the job of a צָדִיק (USE THE WORD CONNECT)
To connect the Jewish people to Hashem
When שמואל received his first נבואה, whose voice did he hear? (פרק ג׳)
עֵלִי הַכֹּהֵן
Which son of יַעַקֹב אָבִינוּ was the ancestor of אֶלְקָנָה
Elkanah took the chance to educate other Jews about this special Mitzvah 3 times a year
What sign did ה׳ tell עֵלִי would happen so עֵלִי would know that Hashem is giving him a punishment?
חָפְנִי and פִנְחָס would die on the same day
This is the name of the place that the פלישתים camped in when they fought the Jewish people (This answer can be found in פרק ד׳)
This is the person who gives birth at the end of פרק ד׳ after the Battle of אבן העזר
The Wife of פנחס
Opening the gates of the מִשׁכָּן
When the נביא says that שמואל הנביא was known from דן to באר שבע, what does that mean?
The northern border of ארץ ישראל is דן, and the southern border is באר שבע. This means that all of בני ישראל knew/accepted שמואל as a נביא.