How to identify a member that does not know their codeword.
What is OOP? what is driver's license? What is 2FA? What is Experian authentication questions tool?
This is only tracked on checking shares for cash or checks deposited into a checking account.
This is the term for the period during which a credit union holds a deposited check before the funds are available, typically a new account under 30 days
What is 9 day check hold?
"I lost my debit card and don't recognize these charges."
What is debit card fraud?
You can customize this list in Symitar, that you most commonly use in your job.
What are speed buttons?
Checks that do not match business members’ file are reported back to the member as a check exception, which allows our member to decide to pay or return the check exception.
What is Check Positive Pay?
This term refers to the period during which a bank holds a deposited check before the funds are available, typically for check items totaling more than $5,525 in a single day.
What is 7-day check hold?
Counterfeit Nike payroll checks have been cashed across the Puget Sound, and in multiple locations across the US.
What is Check fraud?
DAILY DOUBLE! In Symitar, you use this tool to view only a member's account
What is Account Manager?
Simplify and protect account transactions for your business with services that can help you optimize cash flow, improve your bottom line, and protect you from fraud.
What is Treasury Management?
This a method of determining the amount of funds that are made available on a per-day basis when members deposit checks and a hold is applied.
What are dynamic limits and holds?
Members giving out their Online Banking info to "new employer, lender, or significant other.
What is Online Banking Fraud? What is full account takeover?
You use this account when processing On Us checks
What is 99001?
This service will automatically alert business members if there are red flags with any ACH transactions against their account
What is ACH Positive Pay?
A check made out to multiple individuals with "and" must be endorsed by
What is endorsed by all payees?
Member is contacted and asked to send money to friend/relative that is stuck/injured in a foreign country
What is wire fraud?
A Member asks: "How much money will I earn if I deposit $10,000?" In Symitar, this tool is called
what is projections?
Check/ACH Positive Pay combo fee
What is $35/month?
Procedure for processing 3rd party checks, non-member not present.
What is run the non-member through OFAC,fingerprint
account in good standing-no negative balance, no delinquent loans
let the member know they are taking responsibility for the check
This tool empowers members to file disputes or fraud on their debit card using Online Banking
What is FINBOA?