What happens to animal populations when urbanization occurs?
What is
Habitat loss and reduced biodiversity
What is exponential population growth?
What is
Unrestricted growth, J-shaped curve.
What does dissolved oxygen in water affect?
What is
The survival of aquatic organisms.
How does agriculture impact land fertility?
What is
Can reduce fertility through overuse and erosion.
What happens when a local ecosystem has a decrease in water availability?
What is
Reduced plant growth and lower species survival.
How does rapid urbanization impact population dynamics?
What is
Increases population density, strains resources.
How does logistic growth differ from exponential growth?
What is
Logistic growth levels off at carrying capacity.
How does limited energy availability affect ecosystems?
What is
Reduces productivity and limits population sizes.
What is the effect of land use on soil fertility?
What is
Mismanagement reduces soil quality and productivity.
How does seasonal migration affect genetic diversity?
What is
Promotes gene flow and increases diversity.
How does urban sprawl affect ecosystems?
What is
Leads to habitat fragmentation and pollution.
What factors can alter an ecosystem's carrying capacity?
What is
Resources, climate, and human impact.
What happens if food becomes a limiting resource in an ecosystem?
What is
Competition increases, and population sizes decrease.
How does conservation land management benefit ecosystems?
what is
Preserves biodiversity and stabilizes ecosystems.
What effect does a sharp decline in sunlight have on plants?
What is
Disrupts photosynthesis, affecting all trophic levels.
What is the long-term effect of urbanization on local ecosystems?
What is
Decreased biodiversity and ecosystem degradation.
How would an influx of food and water affect a population's growth?
What is
Population grows rapidly, approaching carrying capacity.
How does deforestation affect a forest ecosystem?
What is
Reduces biodiversity and disrupts ecological balance.
What is the effect of urban land use on local fertility?
What is
Decreases fertility through impervious surfaces and pollution.
What is the result of a sudden food resource increase for herbivores?
What is
Herbivore population increases due to more food.
How does habitat fragmentation change an ecosystem’s carrying capacity?
What is
Reduces available resources and space for species
What is the effect of a disease outbreak on a population with limited resources?
What is
Decreases population size due to higher death rates.
What effect does high nitrate concentration in water have?
What is
Leads to eutrophication and oxygen depletion.
How do agricultural and urban land uses compare?
What is?
Agriculture impacts soil fertility; urbanization impacts biodiversity.
How does a disease in a forest ecosystem affect predator-prey relationships?
What is
Reduces prey populations, which also affects predator survival.