This man became a father sooner than he thought he would.
Known for her acts of kindness and sewing skills, this disciple from Joppa was raised from the dead by Peter.
She drove a tent peg through the head of the Canaanite commander Sisera, fulfilling God’s plan for deliverance.
After Jesus healed this woman, she left her home to travel with Him and the apostles.
Jesus was born from which tribe/family line?
He was Moses’ father-in-law and gave him advice on how to delegate leadership responsibilities.
This prophetess in the temple recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented as a baby.
She was a prophetess and judge who led Israel during a time of war.
This man planted a church in Colossae and prayed fervently for the Colossians.
The name of the angel who appeared before Mary and Joseph on separate occasions.
This old man said he could finally die in peace after seeing baby Jesus at the temple.
This woman from Magdalene was healed by Jesus from 7 demons and was a financial supporter of Jesus’ ministry.
Mary Magdalene
This young man was a runaway slave and was reconciled to his master Philemon through the ministry of Paul.
These women of Joppa cried and sent two men to get Peter to come and help their dead friend.
Widows of Joppa
Which country does Joseph take his family to keep Jesus safe from Herod's threats?
This man, also called Barsabbas, was one of the two candidates to replace Judas Iscariot as a disciple.
Joseph Barsabbas
She opened her home for church gatherings in Laodicea and is an example of using resources for the Kingdom.
Paul wrote a personal letter to this man, asking him to receive his former slave Onesimus as a brother in Christ.
This man vouched for Saul & Mark even though other people were unsure of them.
What was Barnabas' real name?
He was chosen by casting lots to replace Judas as one of the Twelve Apostles.
This wealthy woman followed Jesus, supported his ministry, and was present at his resurrection.
This princess risked her life to hide her baby nephew from an evil queen and preserve the Davidic line.
Jehosheba's husband was a ____ in the temple, and led the coup that dethroned Queen Athalia.
How old was Joash, the nephew Jehosheba saved, when he became king of Judah?
7 years old