What is Body image?
How you see or picture yourself
How can you build self esteem?
Many answers
What is stress?
The reaction of your mind and body to threatening or challenging events in life.
What is a defense mechanism
usually occur at an unconscious level, we don’t always realize we’re using them.
What is self Esteeem?
A person's feelings about his or her own self worth
What are some internal influences that impact our self esteem?
Our own thoughts and feelings of self worth
How many types of stress are there?
What is a coping mechanism?
are used to help us manage external situations; we choose to use these.
What are social constructs society has created for women?
Unrealistic expectations
What are some external influences on our self esteem?
Parents, teachers, media, friends, siblings
What is a stressor?
An event or situation that causes stress
What is empathy?
The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes
What are social constructs society has created for men?
not being able to cry, etc
What is negative self talk?
Focuses more on feelings and assumptions?
What are the three stages of stress?
Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion
What is emotional intelligence?
The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions; to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically
What are some ways we can improve our body image?
What is positive self talk?
Focuses on facts and reality?
What are the four types of stress?
Distress, Eustress, Acute, Chronic
What are the six basic emotions
Happiness, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, Surprise, Fear