How to get to the underworld
Upon death a person’s soul- or a piece of it- would go to the underworld, the Duat.
How long does it take to mummy someone
70 days
The Egyptians
What is king tut's full name
Who guides you to the underworld
Anubis would help the soul get there.
Explain the Process
Cut open the body in the belly and remove the organs
Some organs stored in canopic jars- Stomach, liver, lungs, and intestines.
Heart stays in the body- believe that is the seat of the soul and source of thoughts
Remove brain through nose
Pack the body with salt and wait 40 days
Special salt called natron is used-Natron is found deep out in the desert
Remove the salt and start wrapping with linen cloth- amulets and magic words, prayers, and spells are tucked into the wrapping
Mummy is placed in three nesting coffins- sarcophagus
What is the common built method
Post and lintel
When was it found
When did King tut become king
9 years old
How many parts are in the soul
7 parts
If your not wealthy how would you be mummfied.
In the Desert
What are the three holy building they built
Temples, Pyramids, and Mastaba.
Who found the stone
French soldiers and Jean Champollion
Why is King tut named boy king
He became king a boy
What happens in the underworld
The Trial of Osiris
Which kingdom were the pyramids built
Old kingdom
True or False
Did King tut have disablites
What happens in the trial
The person’s heart was placed on a scale to be weighed against the feather of truth, Ma’at. Sins weigh down the heart, so you want your heart to be lighter than a feather.
What are the writings on the stone
Hieroglyh, Greek, Demotic