easily done; with little effort
what is facile?
This verbal functions as a noun and always ends in –ing.
What is a gerund?
Identify which sentence is in active voice.
A. “The ball was kicked by the player.”
B. “The player kicked the ball.”
Answer: What is B. “The player kicked the ball”?
This solitary weaver who hoards gold under his floorboards.
Who is Silas Marner?
This single word, repeated throughout the poem by the mysterious bird, serves as the central refrain.
What is "Nevermore"?
mass slaughter of humans
what is carnage?
This verbal, often ending in –ing or –ed, typically acts as an adjective in a sentence.
What is a participle?
Occurs when the subject receives the action of the verb.
What is “Passive voice?”
Silas Marner lives in this rural village, where suspicion and isolation shape his early life.
What is Raveloe?
In the poem, the raven perches on a bust representing wisdom, placed just above the chamber door.
What is the bust of Pallas?
to corrupt or make inferior by the admixture of foreign or baser ingredients
what is adulterate?
Which option correctly completes the sentence?
"You will improve your skills by ________ every day."
A. to practice
B. practicing
C. practice
D. practiced
What is B. practicing?
In the active sentence “The athlete broke the record,” identify the doer of the action.
What is “the athlete”?
For fifteen years, Silas Marner treasures this substance, keeping it hidden under his floorboards.
What is gold?
In his careful approach, the narrator reveals that it took him exactly this long to slide his head through the door opening to observe the old man.
What is one hour?
to come down voluntarily to the level of something inferior
what is condescend?
Choose the sentence that uses an infinitive correctly as an adjective:
A. "Jason’s group was the last to arrive."
B. "Jason’s group was the last arriving."
C. "Jason’s group was last arrived."
D. "Jason’s group was the last arrived."
What is A. "Jason’s group was the last to arrive."?
Convert this active sentence into passive voice: “The committee approved the proposal.”
What is “The proposal was approved by the committee”?
The unexpected arrival of this little one at Silas Marner’s doorstep sets in motion his transformation and reconnection with the community.
Who is Eppie?
This feature of the old man, described as pale blue with a film over it and resembling a vulture’s eye, is the primary reason the narrator decides to kill him.
What is his vulture-like eye?
to grow gradually less in extent
what is wane?
Which of the following sentences uses a participle correctly to modify a noun?
A. "The exhausted runner collapsed after the marathon."
B. "The runner exhausted collapsed after the marathon."
Answer: What is A. "The exhausted runner collapsed after the marathon."?
Rewrite the following sentence in active voice: “The experiment was conducted by the scientist.”
What is “The scientist conducted the experiment”?
Besides regaining human connection through Eppie, Silas Marner begins to change his life by learning about childcare from this generous local woman.
Who is Dolly Winthrop?
In the poem, a sound is compared to the delicate plucking of a string on this musical instrument.
What is a violin?