The war began after some Protestant nobleman tossed two royal officials out of a castle window.
London, England
What was the samurais weapon of choice?
Bow and Arrow
What is the Northwest Passage?
The Northwest Passage was a river that would run all the way through North America and out to the Pacific Ocean.
Who was she married to?
Gregory the Great
Who was elected Holy Roman Emperor?
How many voyages did Henry Hudson take in total?
What was the samurai code of conduct called?
Why would the Northwest passage be important?
Explorers thought they could get to China and India and trade for silks and spices.
Where was she born?
In 1632 who was the King of Sweden?
Gustavos Adolphus, the King of Sweden.
Which ocean did he sail across?
Atlantic Ocean
What was the name of the ruler?
At this time Henry IV was the king of France and he wanted to discover and claim the Northwest Passage was for France, who did he hire to explore for him?
Samuel Champlain
Why was Catherine the Great mainly concerned with the French Revolution?
The French monarchs were overthrown by their citizens and assassinated.
How did Gustavos Adolphus die?
Died in battle.
Whales Bay! Due to the large amount of whales found in the bay. There were so many that they were bumping into his boat.
What was the samurai master called?
On his search for the Northwest Passage, Champlain discovered what?
How did she become the leader of Russia?
She overthrew her husband, Tsar Peter III, to become the leader.
What ended the 30 years' war?
The Peace of Westphalia ends the war.
On his 3rd and 4th voyages he explored and discover these 3 bodies of water in Canada?
Hudson River, Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait
Who were the Samurai?
Samurai were the armed supporters of wealthy land owners.
What was Canada referred to?
New France
How long did Catherine the Great rule over Russia?
34 years!