Reaction to Communism
Civil Rights Movement
Other Civil Rights
Modern America
Super Modern
According to Bert the Turtle, you should do this if the Soviet Union were to attack.
"Duck and Cover"

This Civil Rights leader was a leader in SCLC and believed in using civil disobedience to push for Civil Rights. 

Martin Luther King

This man led the Grape Boycotts in an effort to push for more economic equality for migrant workers

Cesar Chavez


LBJ's idea to improve society and the lives of everyday Americans

The Great Society


This act was created in response to 9/11. Many people believed it violated the rights of Americans and their privacy. 

The Patriot Act


This committee investigated many famous Americans (such as actors) based on the suspicion they could be Communists. It often ruined their careers. 

House Un-American Activities Committee


This Supreme Court Case reversed Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and ended segregation in public schools

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

This was a movement aimed to promote the rights and equality of Native Americans

American Indian Movement (AIM)


Nixon was under investigation for a break in at the Democratic Headquarters and attempting to cover it up, he eventually resigned. 

The Watergate Scandal


The United States became involved in this war in order to protect its oil interests in Kuwait

The Persian Gulf War


This term refers to a senator and his mission to investigate any alleged communists in the Federal Government



In order to protest segregation, this woman refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycotts. 

Rosa Parks


This woman wrote The Feminine Mystique and helped spark the modern women's movement 

Betty Friedan


These two programs were created under LBJ's Great Society. One provides medical care to the poor, the other provides medical care to the elderly. 

Medicare, Medicaid


This refers to Reagan's economic plan to address stagflation

Trickle Down Economics


This married couple was accused of sending blueprints of nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union and eventually executed by the Federal Government. 

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Created by the Federal Government, this law ended segregation and legal discrimination across the United States. 

Civil Rights Act of 1964


This organization pushed for economic equality for women during the modern women's movement

National Organization for Women (NOW)


This caused large amounts of inflation during the 70s, it made it difficult for Americans to be able to travel and more expensive for businesses to produce goods. 

OPEC Oil Embargo


Jimmy Carter led these peace talks between Israel and Egypt in order to maintain peace and political stability in the Middle East

Camp David Peace Accords


This was a group of 10 actors who were accused and investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee based on allegations that they were Communists

The Hollywood Ten


This law, created by the Federal Government, secured the voting rights of racial minorities across the United States. It came as a result of the Civil Rights Movement. 

Voting Rights Act of 1965


This refers to what many believe to be the most liberal supreme court in history. They ruled in favor of the rights of the accused, students rights, and women's' rights.

The Warren Courts


The Baby Boom, Levittowns, and the Highway Act of 1956 led to this



This was Reagan's idea, he wanted to build a defense system in space that would use satellites to shoot down Soviet Nuclear Missiles

Star Wars