Adjectives I
Adjectives & Adverbs I
Mix it all up!

What is the definition of an adjective?

A word that describes a noun or pronoun.


List the three categories of adverbs.

1) When

2) Where

3) How/How often


What is the definition of an adverb?

A word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words

You use a before a _________ noun that begins with a ___________ sound.

You use a before a SINGULAR noun that begins with a CONSONANT sound


What is the difference between an adjective & an adverb?

An adjective describes a noun/pronoun and an adverb describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.


Write three examples of an adjective that answer the question: "What kind?"

Example answers: funny, handsome, red, famous, sweaty, flat, curved, etc.


True or False: There are four adjectives in this sentence: "The old, tired man steadily worked his way down the dark street."

False! There are only three adjectives here: "old", "tired", and "dark".


List ALL the adverbs in the following sentence: 

"My dog is incredibly loyal to me, but my cat completely ignores me."

Two adverbs: "incredibly", "completely".


Fill in the blanks with the correct words below.

Use ______ before both singular and plural nouns.

Use THE before both singular and plural nouns.


Choose the correct adjective.

1. She is the harder/hardest to find in the picture.

2. The zoo is more/most crowded at five than at any other time.

1. hardest

2. more


List ALL of the adjectives in the following sentence: "Madagascar is an isolated island and the animals that live there are unique."

Two adjectives: "isolated" and "unique".


Write an original sentence using two adverbs. Circle the adverbs.

Answers will vary.


Write the adverb(s) in this sentence: The fine hair blew wildly in the wind.

Adverbs = wildly


Fill in the blank to make the sentence true. Then, write a sentence using the word you put in the blank.

Use _______ before singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound.

Use AN or THE before singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound.

Sentence must have an or the used correctly


Fill in the blank with more or most. Then, write what nouns are being compared.

1. Almond butter is _______ expensive than peanut butter.

2. The Grand Canyon has the _____ pleasant view during sunset. 

1. more (almond butter, peanut butter)

2. most (Grand Canyon view to all other views during sunset)



List the adjective(s) in the following sentence: 

"He rarely dresses stylishly."


How many adverbs are in the following sentences? "Today I helped my mom cook dinner. We carefully cut the vegetables and slowly placed them into a boiling pot of water."

Three Adverbs: "Today", "carefully", and "slowly".


Write a sentence using 2 adverbs.

Answers will vary


Find the mistakes and correct them.

Why do a birds fly south in the winter? It's too far to walk. What clothing does an house wear? A address!

3 mistakes: Why do THE birds fly south in the winter? It's too far to walk. What clothing does A house wear? AN address!


Write down ALL the adjectives and ALL the adverbs in the following sentence:

"Mr. and Mrs. Hall, who are strong believers in the benefits of exercise, usually run four or five miles in the morning."

Three Adjectives = "strong", "four", "five".

Two Adverbs = "usually" and "morning"


1. Write one adjective that answers the question, "What kind?" 

2. Write one adjective that answers the question "Which one?" 

3. Write one adjective that answers the question "How many/how much?"

1) What Kind: great, new, old, exhausted, handmade. 

2) Which One: first, last, this, that, these, those. 

3) How Many/How Much: several, many, few, one hundred, thousands, more, less.


Write a sentence using ONLY two adjectives and two adverbs. 

Answers will vary.


Write one adverb that answers the question "how". Write one adverb that tells "when". Write one adverb that has to do with "where".

1) How: slowly, gracefully, terribly, amazingly, quietly, etc. 

2) When: now, later, today, tomorrow, soon, etc.

3) Where: uphill, downhill, there, away, outside, etc.

Extra: How often: often, never, rare, always, sometimes, etc. 



Comparing with adjectives and adverbs.

To compare two nouns or verbs, add ____ to most adjectives/adverbs

To compare more than two nouns or verbs, add ____ to most adjectives/adverbs


Name ALL the adverbs in the following sentence: 

"Mr. Jones, who once worked as a science teacher, proudly informed us that he had never taken a single sick day."

Three adverbs: "once", "proudly", "never".