School's Out
Empire's Rise and Fall
Ancient Cities
Who is Whom

"There is no God but God and Muhammad is his messenger" is the first of this

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?


This term means "Submission" in Arabic

What is Islam?


This is the city described in the Dictionary of Countries a capital of Islam and "centre of beauty and arts".

What is Baghdad?


This Cathedral was an architectural masterpiece when it was built in the Capital of the Byzantine Empire.

What is the Hagia Sophia?


This ruler codified the laws of his empire and it would go on to serve as the foundation for European law.

Who is Justinian?


This is the sacred book of Islam

What is the Qur'an?


This gentleman was born in Spain to an important Mulsim family, however after being freed by Pope Leo X he was baptized and commissioned to write a detailed account of Africa for a European audience.

Who is Leo Africanus?


From the Arabic term meaning "Supporters of Ali" this is one of the two main divisions of Islam

What is Shi'a?


This was a famous pilgrimage site in Mecca which housed many traditional Arabian religious images.

What was the Ka'ba?


Propcopius in his Secret History blamed the moral decline of Byzantine women, on this person.

Who is Empress Theodora?


A Frankish ruler is famous for a revival of learning and arts, including scriptoria during a period that was known by this 

What was the Carolingian Renaissance or Carolingian Revival?


On Christmas Day in 800 Charlemagne was crowned at St. Peter's by this head of Western Christendom placing a crown upon his head and declaring him to the Roman Emperor.

Who is the Pope?


This is the term for African societies bound together by  ethnic or blood ties rather than being political states

What are stateless societies?


The Fifth Pillar of Islam requires all able Muslims to make the hajj to this place

What is Mecca?


This man found employment at a young age as a dependable herder and driver of camels, eventually managing caravans for his wealthy wife. 

Who is Muhammad?


These are schools for the study of Muslim law and religion.

What are Madrasas?


This is the Islamic term for a community of believers.

What is the Umma?


This kingdom in Northwestern Ethiopia was a sizable trading state and a center of Christian culture.

What was Aksum?


This place began as a campsite for desert nomads but under Mansa Musa became a thriving trade center as well as a center for learning with 150 schools. 

What is Timbuktu?


This capital city was once called Byzantium before a Roman Emperor renamed it after himself.

What was Constantinople?


In The History and Description of Africa, this kingdom is described as being exceedingly rich. Where a rich king has many plates and scepters of gold but it is manuscripts and written books that the king values the most.

What is Timbuktu or Tombuto


This Germanic group adopted Roman Christianity and helped convert other barbarians to Catholicism.

Who are the Franks?


This east African coastal culture is names after a Bantu language whose vocabulary exhibit strong Arabic influences.

What is Swahili?


This group of invaders originally were raiders for eventually came to found settlements in places like Dublin, Ireland.

Who are the Vikings?


The kingdom of Mali's most famous ruler was this wealthy man

Who is Mansa Musa?