What do you become at Baptism?
You become responsible for being a worshiping, believing, and serving member of the Church
Why did Jesus send the apostles and their successors?
To share in his mission of inviting all people to salvation
What did Jesus entrust in Peter with?
The leadership of the Church, first pope, and Peter's successors
What does the Church convey?
That it believes through its doctrine, life, and worship
Who Leads us today?
Pope and bishops
What does it mean to be truly Catholic?
That the Church has learned differences of other nations and culture
What is the pope also called?
"Vicor of Christ"
What is the new type of evanglization?
It's directed toward people who have heard the good news but are indifferent about it, they have yet to experience a real conversion of heart
What do all bishops reccieve?
The sacraments of Holy Orders