Circular Motion
Circular Motion Calculations

When the car is in the position shown, its acceleration is directed toward the 

East or center of the circle


A 0.50-kilogram object moves in a horizontal circular path with a radius of 0.25 meter at a constant speed of 4.0 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the object’s acceleration?



A 5.00-kilogram block slides along a horizontal, frictionless surface at 10.0 meters per second for 4.00 seconds. What is the magnitude of the block's momentum?



An air bag is used to safely decrease the momentum of a driver in a car accident. The air bag reduces the magnitude of the force acting on the driver by

A) increasing the length of time the force acts on the driver

B) decreasing the distance over which the force acts on the driver

C) increasing the rate of acceleration of the driver

D) decreasing the mass of the driver

A) increasing the length of time the force acts on the driver


Which is a unit of momentum?

A) N-m/s2

B) kg-m/s2

C) N-m/s

D) kg-m/s

D) kg-m/s


An object travels in a circular orbit. If the speed of the object is doubled, its centripetal acceleration will be

A) halved                       C) doubled

B) quartered                   D) quadrupled

D) quadrupled


A 1750-kilogram car travels at a constant speed of 15.0 meters per second around a horizontal, circular track with a radius of 45.0 meters. What is the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the car?



The magnitude of the momentum of an object is 64.0 kilogram•meter per second. If the velocity of the object is doubled, the magnitude of the momentum of the object will be

A) 32.0 kg•m/s

B) 64.0 kg•m/s

C) 128 kg•m/s

D) 256 kg•m/s

C) 128 kg•m/s


A 3.0-kilogram object is acted upon by an impulse having a magnitude of 21 newton•seconds. What is the magnitude of the object’s change in momentum due to this impulse?

21 N-s


An object is moving with constant speed in a circular path. The object's centripetal acceleration remains constant in

A) magnitude, only

B) direction, only

C) both magnitude and direction

D) neither magnitude nor direction

A) magnitude, only


At the instant shown, the centripetal force acting on mass m is directed toward point....



A 1000-kilogram car travels at a constant speed of 20. m/s around a horizontal circular track. The diameter of the track is 100 meters. What is the magnitude of the car's centripetal acceleration?



Which of the following objects has the greatest momentum?

A) a 1-kg object moving at 200 m/sec

B) a 10-kg object moving at 30 m/sec

C) a 20-kg object moving at 20 m/sec

D) a 100-kg object moving at 2 m/sec

C) a 20-kg object moving at 20 m/sec


A 50.-kilogram student threw a 0.40-kilogram ball with a speed of 20. meters per second. What was the magnitude of the impulse that the student exerted on the ball?



State the direction of the velocity of the airplane at the instant the acceleration of the airplane is southward. 



If the 10.-kilogram mass is replaced with a greater mass, the centripetal acceleration will

A) decrease

B) increase

C) remain the same

C) remain the same


An unbalanced force of 40. newtons keeps a 5.0-kilogram object traveling in a circle of radius 2.0 meters. What is the speed of the object?

4.0 m/s


In the diagram below, a 10-kilogram ball is fired with a velocity of 500 meters per second from a 1,000-kilogram cannon. What is the recoil velocity of the cannon?



In the diagram below, a 60.-kilogram rollerskater exerts a 10.-newton force on a 30.-kilogram rollerskater for 0.20 second.

What is the magnitude of the impulse applied to the 30.-kilogram rollerskater?

2 N-s


A 3.1 kilogram gun initially at rest is free to move. When a 0.015-kilogram bullet leaves the gun with a speed of 500. meters per second, what is the speed of the gun?



A ball of mass M at the end of a string is swinging in a horizontal circular path of radius R at constant speed V. Which combination of changes would require the greatest increase in the centripetal force acting on the ball?

A) doubling V and doubling R

B) doubling V and halving R

C) halving V and doubling R

D) halving V and halving R

B) doubling V and halving R


An amusement park ride moves a rider at a constant speed of 14 meters per second in a horizontal circular path of radius 10. meters. What is the rider's centripetal acceleration in terms of g, the acceleration due to gravity?



A blue lab cart is traveling west on a track when it collides with and sticks to a red lab cart traveling east. The magnitude of the momentum of the blue cart before the collision is 2.0 kilogram • meters per second, and the magnitude of the momentum of the red cart before the collision is 3.0 kilogram • meters per second. What is the magnitude of the total momentum of the two carts after the collision?

1 kg-m/s


A 75-kilogram hockey player is skating across the ice at a speed of 6.0 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the average force required to stop the player in 0.65 second?



A toy airplane, flying in a horizontal, circular path, completes 10. complete circles in 30. seconds. If the radius of the plane's circular path is 4.0 meters, what is the average speed of the airplane?
