Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
E & E
安全感___的人需要计划。 People with a ___ sense of security need a plan. 安全感___的人不一定需要计划。 People with a ___ sense of security do not necessarily need a plan.
弱 weak 强 strong
自我为中心的思维方式是: What is it called when the importance of the individual is stressed above the group? 集体为中心的思维方式是: What is it called when the group’s needs are seen as the most important?
个人主义 individualism 集体主义 collectivism
#1 矛盾用英语怎么说? How do you say “矛盾” in English? 解决办法呢? How do you say “解决办法” in English?
矛盾 conflict 解决办法 solution
我们学了几个不同的舞蹈,请列举一个: We have studied 3 kinds of dance. List one:
Flamenco (Spain) Bollywood dance (India) Capoeira (Brazil)
列举三个国家,计划不太重要: List 3 countries where having strict plans is not as important:
西班牙 Spain 墨西哥 Mexico 希腊 Greece
你喜欢穿自己的衣服,你比较__________。 You like to dress in your own style. You are fairly__________. 你喜欢跟大的家庭一起过节日,你比较__________。 You like spending holidays with all of your extended relatives. You are fairly__________.
个人主义的 individualistic 集体主义的 collectivistic
什么时候好的解决办法?Argument 还是 Discussion ? What kind of reaction is a better “solution”? Having an “Argument” or having a “Discussion”?
复活节的两个象征是什么? Easter is symbolized by what two things?
兔子 rabbit 鸡蛋 egg
时间感包括两个东西: Sense of time includes 2 things:
准时性 punctuality 时间管理 time management
团队合作包括三个东西: Good teamwork requires three things:
交流 communication 分工 dividing the work 信任 trust
我们的 Orange Story 最后有什么解决办法? In our “Orange Story” what was the final solution?
一个人拿果肉,另外一个人拿果皮。 One person got the fruit’s pulp and one person got the fruit’s peel.
说两个复活节传统: What are two Easter traditions?
寻找彩蛋 egg hunt 烤饼比赛 pancake race
哪个国家比较准时? In which countries is punctuality relatively more important?
德国 Germany 日本 Japan
我们怎么做好的合作?(两点) What 2 things are important for working well with others? (2 points)
耐心 be patient 妥协 compromise
我们怎么可以找到双赢办法?(三个点) How can we find a win-win solution? (3 points)
尊重 respect 理解 understand 分享 share
列举 stories 一些内容(两个): List some fantasy characters that often appear in stories (2):
吸血鬼 vampire 龙 dragon 仙子 fairy 圣诞老人 Santa Claus
时间感强的人喜欢 __________。(一段时间做一个事情) Those with a strong sense of time like __________. (doing just one thing in a short period of time) 时间感弱的人喜欢 __________。 (一段时间做很多事情) Those with a weak sense of time like __________. (doing several things at once in a short period of time)
一心一用 single-tasking 一心多用 multi-tasking
The big circle represents what we __________ change. The small circle represents what we __________ change.
Can’t Can