Basic Writing
Film Studies
Anything Goes
Works Read
What is a thesis and where is it found?
A one sentence statement of your central idea, usually found at the end of the introductory paragraph
This is a conclusion based on insufficient or biased evidence. In other words, you are rushing to a conclusion before you have all the relevant facts
Hasty Generalization
Batman wears a mask, so does Joker, but there are several other characters in The Dark Knight who wear metaphorical masks. Name one and give a brief explanation of his/her mask.
Harvey Dent, Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne as Bruce Wayne
An __________ condenses a quoted passage and indicates that you have left words out. __________ allow you to insert your own words into quoted material.
Ellipsis, brackets
Mr. Wheling shoots himself and two other people so that his newborn babies may live, who does he kill?
Dr. Hitz and Leora Duncan
Give three situations in which you would use capitalization in a formal essay.
Proper nouns, titles of persons when used as part of a proper name, first/last/major words in titles/subtitles, first word of sentence, first word after a colon, abbreviations according to convention
"George Bush is a good communicator because he speaks effectively" is an example of what fallacy?
Circular Argument
Give an example of both internal and external conflict in Land of the Dead?
Riley's internal struggle: go back and help the Green, not kill the surviving zombies Citizens of Pittsburgh being attacked by zombies
Name and define the three Aristotelian appeals.
Ethos (credibility/ethics), Logos (logic) and Pathos (emotions)
What is a haiku?
Traditional Japanese poem that follows a 575 syllabic pattern, topics usually revolve around nature
Give three examples of inappropriate abbreviations
Personal names, units of measurement, days of the week, holidays, months, course of study, divisions of written works, states and countries, parts of a business name
What is the definition of genetic fallacy?
A conclusion is based on an argument that the origins of a person, idea, institute, or theory determine its character, nature, or worth
What five topics must be addressed in the first paragraph of a film analysis?
Film title, genre, release date, director, and major performers
Name the three steps of the writing process.
Data gathering, invention, drafting
What is the significance of the title "The Octopus Nest"?
Title of the book whose author is being stalked by Timothy, the protagonist's husband
In the humanities, which usually follow either MLA or CMS style, use numerals only for specific numbers above__________.
"Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies" is an example of what fallacy?
Ad hominem
In the MLA citation system, material being cited in the text is followed by a ___________ in ____________.
Page number, parenthesis
Who is the author of "Skinhead" and what is it about? (brief summary)
Patricia Smith
Give four examples of works that should be italicized in formal writing.
titles of: books, mags, newpapers, pamphlets, long poems, plays, films, tv programs, radio programs, musicals, choreographic works, visual art, electronic databases, web sites, electronic games terms according to convention: spacecraft, ships, aircraft, foreign words, words/letters/numbers as themselves
This is a conclusion based on the premise that if A happens, then eventually through a series of small steps, through B, C,..., X, Y, Z will happen, too, basically equating A and Z. So, if we don't want Z to occur, A must not be allowed to occur either
Slippery Slope
Who is the creator of the zombie, and name and briefly describe three types of zombies covered in class.
George A. Romero, OG/Night of Living Dead Zombies (slow, no origin), virus/pathogen (quick, not necessarily dead), radioactive zombie (deformed/tumors, illness), mystical/voodoo zombie, man-made/laboratory zombie
Put the following information into a works cited entry: How the Brain Works (book title) Deedee Laramir (author) 2001 Boston (city of publication) Penguin Print
Laramir, Deedee. How the Brain works (italics). Boston: Penguin, 2001. Print.
Who wrote the narrative essay "The Pain Scale" about the medical scale of pain measurement?
Eula Biss