Issac and Rebekah
Jacobs Ladder
Josephs Early Life
Joseph In Egypt
Bondage In Egypt and Extras

Who's Issacs Father?



Is Jacob the oldest or youngest brother

He's the youngest brother ( Esau is the oldest)


What did Jacob give to his favorite son? and who was his favorite son? what happened to what he gave him? and why was it important?

He gave Joseph the rainbow coat (because he was from his favorite wife) His brother threw him in a pit, they sold him into slavery, and then they took his coat ripped it up, and put animal blood on it, then they brought it to Jacob, so Jacob would think he died to an animal(they lied and tricked their father)


How many brothers did Joseph have?

Joseph now has 12 brothers and one was born after he was sold into slavery


Who was Joseph's father, who was Jacobs's father, and who was Issac's father?

Joseph's father was Jacob and Jacob's father was Issac and Issac's father was Abraham


Who went to find Issac's wife

Abrahams Servant


What did Jacob take from Esau?

He took the birthright(money, land, animals) and blessing


How did the brothers react when they saw Joseph coming from a distance?

They were planning on ways to attack him


What happened while Joseph was in prison?

He was able to interpret dreams from two prisoners, and one of the prisoners was released and restored to his position(while the other was killed) in Egypt and told Pharoah about Joseph being able to interpret dreams.


What does God being sovereign mean?

God is in control and he is all power in bad situation's


Was Issac allowed to go to his father's homeland?

No (they were sinning there and didn't want Issac to fall into sin)


How did Jacob trick/lie to) his father?

He wore the skin of an animal, his mom made the food, and wore Esau's clothes


What did the brothers do with Jacob after he was put in his pit?

He was sold into slavery to the trades that gave him to Potiphar who was the top guard for Pharoh, and the oldest brother Reuben didn't find Joseph and was sad and Jacob (the father) would be really sad


Why did Joseph go to Prision?

Potiphar's wife lied to her husband by saying that Joseph was trying to do bad things to her when it was her trying to do bad things


Did God hear the Israelites when they were crying out to Him?

Yes God didn't forget His promises but they forgot who He was. God will be faithful


How did the servant know that Rebekah was going to be Issac's wife?

The servant asked God that she would give him and his 7 camels water


What were the angels doing in the dream?

They were going up and down the ladder between earth and heaven


Which brother wanted to save Joseph from the pit?

Rueben the oldest brother


How and why was Joseph able to help his family?

Joseph was able to help his family because He was second in command after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams and was able to give his family food during the famine(food shortage) when nations from far away came to buy food.


What did Jacob's name get changed to?


How many sons did Issac have?

2 (Jacob and Esau)


What does Jacobs's dream represent?

His dream represents Jesus making a way from earth to heaven


How many dreams did Joseph and what happened in the dream?

There were two dreams the first dream was about Joseph and their family being sheaves(wheat) and he was the biggest wheat and his family bowing down to him, and in the second dream Joseph was the sun and all the other planets bowed down to him(both dreams showed that he would have rule over his family)

What was Pharoah's dream and what did it mean?

Pharoah's dream was about 7 fat cows and 7 skinny because the 7 fat cows represented the 7 good years of harvest and food and the 7 skinny cows represented 7 years of famine and bad harvest.


Why were the Israelites in bondage?

They were in bondage because they were under a new Pharoah's rule not the Pharoah over Joseph and he was afraid that the Israelites would join the enemy nations to destroy Egypt so the Pharoah made them into slaves