Things to know
Nature of science
Disney villain's

What is force?

A force is a push or pull interaction between two objects.


When is midterms?

September 13


What does the C stand for? Use your _________ to answer the ______________.

C- Claim

Use your OBSERVATION to answer the question.


What is an independent variable?

the change you make on purpose in an experiment. 


In "The Emperor's New Groove," what is the name of the villainous character who turns Kuzco into a llama?



What is friction?

A force that opposes the motion of objects sliding against each other


 Gollum, originally named ______, was once a Hobbit-like creature who was corrupted by the One Ring. His transformation into Gollum is a result of centuries of isolation and the Ring’s malevolent influence.



With the E in a CER what are the two types of things you use?

Observation and Data


When graphing data, what axis does the dependent variable go on?

The Y-axis.


Who said “This is a fascinating place. I must admit, I’m quite impressed. But we’re not here for sightseeing, are we?”

Clayton or Tarzan


What is inertia?

 The tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion.


The inscription on the One Ring, written in the Black Speech, is a verse that translates to: "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

or one ring to rule them all


Purpose of a hypothesis is?

To provide a starting point for scientific investigation.


A scientist is testing how different types of fertilizer affect the growth of tomato plants. She measures the height of the plants after two weeks of using each type of fertilizer.

Question: What is the dependent variable in this experiment?

The dependent variable is the height of the tomato plants.


Who said “I’ve always said, ‘The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.’”

Yzma or The Emperor's New Groove 


What is rest mean in physic?

means that an object is not moving or changing its position. It’s in a state of equilibrium, where all the forces acting on it are balanced.


Can you ask to have an assessment question reworded or read out loud to you?

Yes always!


What does "reasoning" do in a CER?

Reasoning: The logical explanation that connects the evidence to the claim, explaining why the evidence supports the claim.


Professor Snape is testing how different types of potion ingredients affect the color of a potion. He uses various magical ingredients to brew several batches of the same potion and notes the color changes.


What is the independent variable in Professor Snape’s experiment?

The independent variable is the type of potion ingredient used.


What villain says “Nero, don’t just stand there looking pretty. We’ve got work to do!”?

Percival C. McLeach (villain) or I will except The Rescuers Down Under


Why does the mass of a substance, like mithril in Middle-earth, not change whether it's found at the center of the Earth or on the Moon?

The mass of a substance, like mithril, remains the same regardless of its location, whether at the center of the Earth or on the Moon. 

Extension: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and does not change with location. However, weight, which is the force exerted by gravity on that mass, does change depending on where you are. On the Moon, gravity is weaker than on Earth, so an object weighs less there, but its mass stays constant.


What is Mrs. Cornelius new nephew name?



Remember a good hypothesis is... (5 things)

Is a statement

Testable and measurable

Is specific enough that it can be proven true, partially true or false

Clearly defines the variables of the experiment

Does not use "iffy words"


Alex is trying to find out how different posting times affect the number of likes on his Instagram photos. He posts the same photo with the same caption at different times of the day and tracks the number of likes each post receives. 


What is the control variable in Alex’s experiment?

The control variables are the photo, the caption, and the content of the post.


Which villain said, "The people are revolting!"

Robin Hood or Prince John.