A monogastric is an animal with a _________ Stomach?
What is Simple.
________ is the interrelated step involved in assimilating food by the animal for use in tissue repair, growth and normal function.
What is nutrition?
A _________ is the total amount of material an animal would consume in a day
What is Ration?
A _______ is a soft mass of chewed food.
What is bolus?
______ have a large outside hull that makes them less digestible.
What is Oats?
The organ of Prehension in a horse is the _______.
What is the lip?
_____ is considered to be the most limiting nutrient.
What is water?
Vitamins can be _______ or _________.
What is Fat-soluble?
What is Water - soluble?
The organ of prehension in a cow is the __________.
What is the tongue?
________ hulls form a basic diet for cattle
What is cottonseed?
The __________ of food is the way an animal will gather food.
A ______ is a mixture of the feedstuffs available for the animal to provide the nutrients.
What is diet?
_____ and ________ are energy dense and contain 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates or energy in protein
What is Fats?
What is Oils?
The abomasum is the _____ stomach.
What is true?
Pelleted feeds contain the __________ ______ in each pellet.
What is complete diet?
The _________ __________ is an important pre-ruminants because it allows the milk to travel directly from the mouth to the _____________.
What is the reticular groove?
What is the abomasum?
____ to ______ pounds of water will be consumed for every pound of feed consumed by the animal.
What is Two?
What is Five?
____________ are required in large quantities, while _____________ are required in smaller quantities.
What is macro-minerals ?
What is micro-minerals?
Colic is a __________ disorder, which is potentially fatal in horses.
What is Digestive ?
__________ is a processing method used in dog and cat food manufacturing.
The gallbladder secretes _____ into the small intestine.
What is bile?
__________ are simple stomach animals, such as humans, pigs and horses.
What is Monogastric?
_________ are simple stomach animals, such as humans, pigs and horses.
What is Monogastric?
The function of the __________ is to break down particles and grain the animal is consuming.
What is the Gizzard?
________ improves nutrient availability.
What is processing?