Drug for all 4 lethal dysrhythmias, also name all 4 lethal
Vtach w/o a pulse, Vfib, Asystole, PEA
Which medication increases afterload
A. Lisinopril
B. Nitroprusside
C. Nitroglycerin
D. Norepinephrine
D. Norepinephrine
The patients Pa02 is 70 and Fi02 is 60. Identify what stage of ARDS this is (mild, moderate, severe)
Autonomic dysreflexia occurs at what level?
T6 or above
What type of aphasia is characterized by the ability to comprehend but not speak?
Expressive (Brocas)
What are the shockable rhythms?
Vfib & Vtach w/o a pulse
Which coronary artery is blocked with a Inferior MI, also name the leads?
RCA- II,III, and aVF
What type of ventilator mode is considered protective?
Pressure Assist-Control
Treatment for vasospasm
The patient has tracheal deviation, what type of shock would they have?
Which heart block has extra P waves but a PR interval that is CONSTANT?
2nd degree Type 2 (Mobitz 2)
SVR means?
A. left preload
B. left afterload
C. right preload
D. right afterload
Signs and symptoms of ARDS (SATA):
A. Pulmonary edema
B. Bilateral infiltrates
C. Hypoxemia
D. Collapsed lungs
A, B, C
The patient has a CVP of 10, UO last hour 50mL, BP low, HR low. Which would you give first?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Mannitol
C. 3% hypertonic solution
D. Nitroglycerin
A. Norepinephrine
Which are signs and symptoms of Autonomic Dysreflexia?
HTN, bradycardia, headache
Which do you do H's & T's for? List them
H: hypoxia, hypovolemia, hypothermia, hyperkalemia, hydrogen ion (acidosis)
T: tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, thrombosis, toxins
Which 2 hemodynamic values represent preload and which 2 represent afterload?
Preload: CVP & Wedge
Afterload: SVR & PVR
Decreased 02 levels despite supplemental 02
What type of dural hematoma is caused by an arterial bleed?
Epidural hematoma
Solve the ABG
Ph: 7.25
CO2: 40
HCO3: 15
O2: 95
Uncompansated Metabolic Acidosis
List the causes for each failure to pace
A. Failure to pace (fire)
B. Failure to capture
C. Failure to sense
A. low battery
B. lead malpostion
C. sensitivity needs turned up
What type of shock is this;
Tachycardia, Decreased SVR/CVP/PAD/Wedge, Increased CO
Sepsis (only one with increased CO)
The patient is on Morphine, Propofol, and Nimbex. Their TOF is 4/4. Their BIS is 20. Which would you titrate?
TOF not paralyzed enough you would titrate Nimbex UP;
BIS; too sedated, turn down the Propofol
The patient’s ICP monitor reads 18 mmHg, and the mean arterial pressure (MAP) is 80 mmHg. The nurse notes that the patient's ICP has increased to 22 mmHg after 10 minutes. Also whats the CPP now?
Given the situation, which of the following actions is the priority to prevent further brain injury?
A. Administer a second dose of Mannitol and increase sedation with Propofol.
B. Increase the head of the bed to 45 degrees and assess for signs of increased intra-abdominal pressure.
C. Increase the rate of hyperventilation to lower the PaCO2 further and decrease ICP.
D. Notify the healthcare provider immediately for a potential surgical intervention, such as a craniectomy.
A. Administer a second dose of Mannitol and increase sedation with Propofol.
CPP= 58 indicates brain injury
Will this person pass there Spontaneous Breathing Trail (SBT)?
- RR 25
- HR 70
- BP 115/75
- O2 90%
- Fi02 40%
- C02 50
- Sweating