True and False
Multiple Choice
Fill in the blank
Ways to observe
Planning curriculum

Observation comments should be facts which are objective.  观察评论应该是客观的事实。

True 真实的


To observe is to: 1.  watch carefully and notice

                        2.  talk loudly

                        3.  watch TV

                        4.  go for a run



3. 看电视

4. 去跑步

1.  watch carefully and notice 1. 仔细观察并注意


Listening to a child talk about his weekend is a good way to observe his _______skills. 听孩子谈论他的周末是观察他_______技能的好方法。

fine motor 精细马达

language 语言

physical 身体的

language 语言


You can observe: 你可以观察:

1.  In the moment as a child is engaged in an activity 当你看到一个孩子在做一项活动时

2.  Driving by a playground 开车经过游乐场

3.  Talking to your friend 和你的朋友交谈

1.  In the moment as a child is engaged in an activity 当你看到一个孩子在做一项活动时


When you see a child that is grabbing toys from other children you could: 当你看到一个孩子从其他孩子那里抢玩具时,你可以:

1.  Teach them the words "may I please have?" 教他们“我可以拥有吗?”

2.  Spank them for grabbing 打他们屁股,让他们抓住

3.  Grab a toy from him to show him how it feels 从他那里拿一个玩具,向他展示感觉

1.  Teach them the words "may I please have?" 教他们“我可以拥有吗?”


Guidelines are the same for all age groups.所有年龄组的指南都是一样的。



This is an example of an opinion:这是一个观点的例子:

1.  She is terrible at writing her numbers 她写数字写得很糟糕

2.  She can write the number 3 and is still learning the rest of the numbers.她可以写数字3,并且仍在学习其余的数字。

3.  She can write the strokes for numbers.她可以为数字写笔画。

1.  She is terrible at writing her numbers 她写数字写得很糟糕


Watching a 4 year old climb a slide would be an example of ________ development. 看着一个4岁的孩子爬滑梯将是________发展的一个例子。

language 语言

physical 身体的

fine motor 精细电机

physical 身体的


You can observe when: 您可以观察何时:

1.  As soon as possible after the event 事件发生后尽快

2.  taking a video to watch later 拍个视频待会儿再看

3.  in reflection 在反思中

4.  all of the above 以上所有

4.  all of the above 以上所有


When you see a child moving and dancing to a song you could next: 当你看到一个孩子随着一首歌移动和跳舞时,你可以:

1.  Tell them to stop dancing 告诉他们停止跳舞

2.  Play a new song with a different beat and encourage new movements.播放一首具有不同节拍的新歌,并鼓励新动作。

2.  Play a new song with a different beat and encourage new movements.播放一首具有不同节拍的新歌,并鼓励新动作。


Observing is important to share with parents.观察与父母分享很重要。

True 真实的


 Which is a fact from an observation:从观察来说,这是一个事实:

1.  He is not nice to his friends.他对他的朋友不好。

2.  He hit his friend two times today. 他今天打了他的朋友两次。

3.  He is a mean boy.他是个刻薄的男孩。

2.  He hit his friend two times today. 他今天打了他的朋友两次。


Watching a child write his name is one way to observe his ___________ skills. 看着一个孩子写下他的名字是观察他__________技能的一种方式。

language 语言

social/emotional 社交/情感

fine motor 精细电机

fine motor 精细电机


The following works well to write observations: 以下内容非常适合编写观察结果:

1.  Post it notes 发布笔记

2.  clipboard with recording sheet 带有录音表的剪贴板

3.  index cards 索引卡

4.  All of the above 以上所有内容

4.  All of the above 以上所有内容


The next step for a child who can say their numbers would be to: 对于一个能说出自己数字的孩子来说,下一步是:

1.  Have them count objects 让他们数物体

2.  Make them spell all the numbers 让他们拼写所有的数字

3.  Say their numbers in Japanese 用日语说出他们的数字

1.  Have them count objects 让他们数物体


Assessing means 'to run around' in Latin. 评估在拉丁语中的意思是“跑来跑去”。

False, it means 'to sit with' 错误,它的意思是“坐在一起”


When we observe, we want to remain ________.当我们观察时,我们希望保持________。

Objective 目标

Subjective 主观的

Objective 目标


When children are playing with cars and trucks together and sharing, it is a way to observe their _______________ skills. 



social/emotional 社交/情感

fine arts 美术

music 音乐

social/emotional 社交/情感


You can record observations: 您可以记录观察结果:

1.  A few sentences, a longer summary or on a checklist 您可以记录观察结果:

2.  10 page report or an hour video chat 10页报告或一小时视频聊天

 A few sentences, a longer summary or on a checklist 您可以记录观察结果:


When a child is showing readiness for reading you can:当孩子表现出阅读准备时,您可以:

1.  Point to the words as you read a story 当你读一个故事时,指着单词

2.  start teaching some easy words to read 开始教一些容易阅读的单词

3.  give them books they like to talk about 给他们他们喜欢谈论的书

4.  all of the above 以上所有

4.  all of the above 以上所有


 You can make an assessment of everything you need to know about a student in one observation. 你可以在一次观察中评估你需要知道的关于学生的一切。

False, you need observations over time 错误,你需要随着时间的推移进行观察


During a parent conference you should:在家长会期间,您应该:

1.  Yell at the student 对学生大喊大叫

2.  Compare the student to the smarter children 将学生与更聪明的孩子进行比较

3.  Rip up bad drawings the student made 撕掉学生画的坏画

4.  None of the above 以上都不是

4.  None of the above 以上都不是


When children are on the playground we can we observe for ________________. 当孩子们在操场上时,我们可以观察________________。

Social/emotional skills 社交/情感技能

Physical development 身体发育

Language 语言

All of the above 以上所有内容

All of the above 以上所有内容


If a student is starting to draw circles on their paper as a teacher you might want to____________ next. 如果一个学生作为老师开始在他们的论文上画圆圈,你接下来可能想____________。

1.  start teaching them the letter O  开始教他们字母O

2.  not let them draw on their paper any more 不要再让他们在纸上画画了

3.  tell them not to make any more circles 告诉他们不要再圈了

1.  start teaching them the letter O  开始教他们字母O


What would you do with a child who can write some simple words?


answers vary