Vocab Terms
General Facts
Literary Devices
Mystical Jewish teachings of which Elie was interested in learning
What is "the Cabbala"?
An elderly Cabbala scholar who is Elie's tutor, and who comes back to warn the Jews of Sighet
Who is "Moshe the Beadle"?
The German Secret police
What is "the Gestapo"?
The term for the systematic, German-state-supported extermination of the Jews during WW II by the Nazis, and which literally means, "Wholly burned by fire"
What is "The Holocaust"?
Life lessons found in a literary work, such as those found in Elie Wiesel's "Night" including "Man's inhumanity towards man," "The struggle to maintain faith," and "Father-Son Bonds"
What is "Theme"?
The process of sorting prisoners for either work or death
What is "Selection"?
Elie's cousin who is worried about his wife and family, and to whom Elie lies
Who is "Stein of Antwerp"?
The form of German government over which Hitler was the leader
What is "Fascist"?
A survivor of the Holocaust, and the author of the book "Night"
Who is "Elie Wiesel"?
A figure of speech that uses analogies to compare dissimilar things that somehow share common traits, and that uses "like" or "as" in the comparison. An example from the text is "He was as awkward as a clown."
What is a "Simile"?
The sections of Sighet where Jews were fenced in and not allowed to leave on pain of death
What are the "Ghettos"?
The German officer who performed sadistic medical experiments on prisoners, and who was euphemistically known as the "Angel of Death"?
Who is "Dr. Josef Mengele"?
Prejudice against and hostility towards Jews
What is "Antisemitism"?
The number tattooed on Elie's left arm by the Nazis
What is "A-7713"?
A question for which the speaker does not expect an answer, and that are often used to encourage listeners to think about what the (often obvious) answer to the question may be
What is a "Rhetorical Question"?
An occasion of persecution known as "Night of Broken Glass," when Jewish-owned businesses, and synogogues were ransacked and destroyed by Germans/Nazis
What is "Kristallnacht"?
The woman who was separated from her husband and sons, and who repeatedly screamed, "Fire!" on the train
Who is "Madame Schacter"?
What Hitler called his plan to exterminate all of the Jews from the continent of Europe
What is "The Final Solution"?
Jews going out in public were required, upon pain of death, to wear this identifying mark
What is the yellow Star of David?
A literary device in which an author suggests, or hints at, certain plot developments that might come later in the story.
What is "Foreshadowing"?
The camp where the Wiesel family was first sent, and where Elie's mother and youngest sister were separated from Mr. Wiesel and Elie, and where they were subsequently murdered.
What is "Birkenau"?
Elie's three sisters
Who are "Hilda, Bea, and Tzipora"?
Persons who fit the blue-eyed, blonde-haired, Nordic ideal which Hitler viewed as the superior race, and who he imagined would ultimately attain world domination for 1000 years
What are "Aryans"?
The words written on gates of both Dachau and Auschwitz Camps that translate to "Work will make you free," or "Work brings freedom"
What is "Arbeit Macht Frei"?
A recurring literary structure that has symbolic significance to a story, such as "Night," and "Tradition"
What is a "Motif"?