Irregular verbs
Figurative language
Apostrophe or not?
Irregular verbs, too

I did not steal the cookies!

did not changes into __________

What is didn't?


Find the error and correct it:

I have rode my horse all day; I am exhausted. 

What is had ridden?

ride, rode, had ridden


What type of figurative language?

The slippery snake slithered down the sidewalk.

What is alliteration?

alliteration= repeating of beginning consonant sound. 


Do you need an apostrophe? If yes, why and where?

The boys kite flew right out of hid hand.

What is yes!

The boy's kite flew right out of hid hand.

The kite belongs to the boy= possessive


Fill in the blank- spelling counts

fall, fell, have ______________

What is fall, fell, have fallen


She will ask for help if she needs it.

She will changes into _____________

What is she'll?


Find the error and correct it:

The boy sinked under the water when it was time ti get out of the pool.

What is sank?

sink, sank, had sunk


What type of figurative language?

I felt as light as a feather when I jumped out of the plane. 

What is a simile

simile= comparison using like or as- comparing the person to a feather


Do you need an apostrophe? If yes, why and where?

It doesnt make any sense!

What is yes!

It doesn't make any sense!

does not changes to doesn't when it becomes a contraction


fly, ________, have flown

What is fly, flew, have flown?


The mountain has not had snow on it for years. 

has not changes into _____________

What is hasn't?


Find the error and correct it:

The wind keeped blowing all night long.

What is kept?

keep, kept, has kept


What type of figurative language?

We ran 1,000 miles at PE today!

What is hyperbole?

hyperbole= exaggeration for impact

It is impossible to run 1,000 miles in 40 minutes:)


Do you need an apostrophe? If yes, why and where?

I hope that we get to visit the mountains in Maine this summer.

What is NO!

I hope that we get to visit the mountains in Maine this summer.

mountains is PLURAL- no apostrophe needed


hit, hit, ___________

What is hit, hit, hit?

Others that don't change: SET, PUT, LET


The teacher should have given us all 100%.

should have changes into ____________

What is should've?


Find the error and correct it:

The sun has rosed in the east every day. 

What is has risen?

rise, rose, has risen


What type of figurative language?

My mom, an angel, always looks out for me no matter where she is at the moment. 

What is a metaphor?

metaphor= comparison

mom to angel


Do you need an apostrophe? If yes, why and where?

The childrens waiting room is always crowded.

What is YES!

The children's waiting room is always crowded.

**This possessive is tricky- remember- when it is already plural- it is apostrophe s- women's, men's deer's, etc. 


Go, ________, have _________

What is go, went, have gone?


I will not bother you any more!

will not changes into _________

What is won't?


Find the error and correct it:

He has wore that coat before. 

What is worn?

wear, wore, has worn


What type of figurative language?

The seaweed trapped me and captured me in its grip. 

What is personification?

personification= giving an object human qualities 


Do you need an apostrophe? If yes, why and where?

The elephant just waved its trunk at me.

What is NO!

The elephant just waved its trunk at me.

its trunk is a possessive;  it's means it is


forget, forgot, have _________________

What is forget, forgot, have forgotten?