What is the output product of transcription?
The first amino acid incorporated into any protein is________________.
Methionine (ATG!)
Which branch of the tree of life (out of the three major domains) has cells which contain peptidoglycan?
What is a factor that influences the effectiveness of an antimicrobial treatment?
Number of microbes, environment, time of exposure, microbial characteristics
What type of test is used in a lab to assess which antibiotics are most effective against a certain type of bacteria?
Kirby Bauer (a type of disk diffusion)
What enzyme is needed to convert DNA into mRNA?
RNA polymerase
Each amino acid is linked through what type of bond?
Peptide Bond
Where would we find Archaea?
In EXTREME environments
Why do we care about microbial death time with regards to antimicrobial treatments?
Can be useful to determine how long the treatment needs to be to get the desired outcome
How many chromosomes does a bacteria have?
Where does transcription take place in the cell?
What is the output product of translation?
amino acid chain (polypeptide)
Which of the three major domains contains eukaryotic cells?
What are the two main methods that an antimicrobial may work?
Altering the plasma membrane AND damage to proteins/nucleic acids
Which enzyme is needed to copy a strand of DNA during duplication? Specifically, which enzyme is building a new DNA strand?
DNA Polymerase
RNA has the same nucleotides as DNA except for WHAT?
RNA has U; DNA has T
The ribosome receives individual amino acid from what small, specific, carrier?
Hint: what has the anticodon?
How could you tell archaea and bacteria apart?
-presence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall
-maybe even through where you find it
-production of methane (methanogens)
UV light can damage DNA. What is the name of the kink that can be formed in DNA between two thymines?
Thymine Dimer
Genes are naturally ___________ in an inducible operon.
RNA polymerase use which strand of DNA to build RNA from? (choose: Coding strand, or template strand)
Template strand acts as a TEMPLATE
Where does translation take place in the cell?
Viruses are classified based on their ___________________.
Genomes (nucleic acids)
What is decimal reduction time (DRT)?
time, in minutes, in which 90% of a population of bacteria at a given temperature will be killed.
What is phylogeny?
The study of the evolutionary history of organisms