Alcohol or potent potables
Acids and Bases
Odds and ends

These are the building blocks of proteins

What is amino acids


One of these encompasses all the rest





What is carbohydrates


Fermentation creates alcohol with an alcohol percentage of ~10-12%. In order to create a higher percentage of alcohol, this process is required. 

What is distillation? 


 Brønsted–Lowry classify acids and bases. How would a proton dono be classified.?

What is an acid

The more common name for the substance,  transglutaminase. 

What is meat glue.


This protein speeds up the rate of a specific chemical reaction in the cell 

What is an enzyme


Chemical compounds like fructose and glucose with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements are called _______.

What is isomers


How many calories are there in a Margaritaville Lime Margarita? 

The cocktail recipe calls for 3 ounces of Tequila (a distilled spirit made from the agave plant).  3 ounces of tequila contains  14 grams of ethanol  

Add the tequila to 8 ounces of Margaritaville mix, which contains 54 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein. 

What is 318 Calories


The functional group for all acids

What is a carboxyl or 


Carbohydrates, alcohols, and proteins all contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Which one also contains nitrogen

What is protein


What is/ are the functional group(s) for all amino acids?

What is an amino group and an acid or carboxyl group? 


The process that is shown here is called

What is dehydration synthesis (condensation reaction or synthesis is also acceptable)


Using this graph, if the mass of a sample was 22 grams and the volume was 23.5 ml. What is the percent of alcohol?

Which is about 40 percent.


 Cranberries contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which change color depending on the acidity of their surroundings. This graph shows the intensity of the red color in cranberries as a function of the pH.

If we want to have the most vibrant (brightest) red color in the cranberries, what solution should we use to place them?

Vinegar (pH 2.4) Soda (pH 3.0) Wine (pH 3.5) Beer (pH 5.5) Milk (pH 6.5) 

What is vinegar


The equation for one part of the screaming gummy bear was

C12H22O11 + 12 O2 → 12 CO2 + 11 H2O

What kind of reaction is this? (It is exothermic, but that is not what we are looking for here) 

What is a combustion.


The most effective protease in this experiment.

What is pineapple juice.


The number of water molecules to completely hydrolyze a starch molecule containing 22 glucose molecules. 

What is 21.


The functional group for all alcohols.

What is a hydroxyl or -OH


What are  three properties of acids? 

Taste sour

Litmus paper red

Corrode metal

Release H+ 

React with base to form salt and water

pH less than 7


 Baby food manufacturers sometimes use proteases in their products. Proteases catalyze the breakdown of proteins in these foods, making digestion easier for infants. What kind of molecule are proteases?

What are enzymes


Lactase is mixed with each of the following solutions.

Which will have a positive glucose reaction.

Skim milk

Whole milk




Soy milk

Starch water (obtained from pasta or potato cooking water)

What are skim milk, whole milk, and lactose/water


Which of these individual(s) are lactose tolerant?

Who is Spencer, Adele and Mark.


Sulfur compounds have a particularly strong odor. Think fire and brimstone - the smell of rotten eggs. This unpleasant aroma and taste can be imparted to beer. Almost all of the world’s commercial beers contain hops. American and German beers are required by law to contain at least a small amount of hops. Under certain conditions,  a reaction that transforms the iso-alpha-acids in beer into 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (skunk spray.) What causes this unfortunate transformation.

What is exposure to light. 


Humans must maintain pH within a narrow range. Our blood’s acid/base balance must be precisely
maintained. Even a minor deviation can cause severe damage to systems. Our bodies have several defense
systems to support a delicate acid-base balance. The first body system responds to a change in the acid-base balance is ______.

What is the respiratory system. 


Vodka sauce is a really popular topping for pasta. It contains tomatoes, cream, cheese, shallots, seasonings, and of course vodka. The vodka sauce that I  make contains 17 grams of fat, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of proteins, and 37 grams of ethanol. How many calories is this pasta sauce?

What is 460 Calories