Microbiology includes the study of....(4 things)
What is Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi
If the urine is cloudy, name 3 things that may be causing it
Bacteria, Cells, Crystals, Lipids, mucus
Name 3 things that bacteria need to grow
What is food, water, oxygen or no oxygen, proper pH, proper temp
What are the 3 parts of a urinalysis
What is Physical, Chemical, Microscopic Exam
What are the 3 characteristics that must be included when describing the gram stain morphology?
Color, Shape, Arrangement
If the specific gravity is greater than 1.035 in the dog, what is the term for that?
What is hypersthenuric
What is Beta hemolysis?
What is Complete hemolysis, the agar with be clear
Large, with angular borders, having a square to rectangular appearance, with small nuclei. What type of epithelial cell is this?
What is squamous
Describe how to do a gram stain
What is apply sterile water to clean slide, obtain a colony off of agar plate with sterile loop, mix together and allow slide to dry, then heat fix slide. Apply crystal violet stain, let sit for 1 min, rinse off Apply iodine, let sit for 1 min, rinse off With slide at 30-45 degree, apply decolorize for 3-5 seconds , rinse with water Apply safranin, let sit for 1 min, rinse off, let dry Examine slide under 100x
What type of crystal could be seen with ethylene glycol poisoning?
What is Monohydrate Calcium Oxalate