Social Psychology Basics
Perception/Social Cognition
The Self
What are Psychoanalytic theory, Gestalt Psychology, and Behaviorism?
What are the three "schools" of psychology that were major influences on social psychology?
When you see a person helping an elderly woman down a flight of steps, you assume she is kind, and therefore friendly, warm, and helpful. This is an example of
What is implicit personality theory?
The set of beliefs we hold about who we are is called the...
What is self-concept?
The "ABCs" of attitudes refers to...
What are affective, behavioral, and cognitive?
The belief that Italians are passionate is an example of ______;
What is a stereotype?
According to learning theory, there are three mechanisms by which learning occurs. Name at least one.
What are reinforcement, association, and imitation?
Describing people as either "warm" or "cold" is an example of using:
What are central traits?
I feel that I have a number of good qualities," is a statement that reflects a person's...
What is self-esteem?
A psychologist who studies attitudes claims that attitudes are simply habits, and they are acquired through association and imitation. Which theory does the psychologist endorse?
What is learning theory?
The refusal to hire Hispanics is an example of ______.
What is discrimination?
This type of theory says that people weigh the pros and cons of decisions.
What is decision-making theory?
the study of how people form inferences from social information
What is social cognition?
Li has strong cultural ties to his Chinese ancestry, but also has a strong identity as an American. This is an example of
What is bicultural competance?
The aversive motivational state that results when some behavior we engage in is inconsistent with our attitudes is known as...
What is dissonance?
Stereotypes about members of an outgroup can sometimes produce stereotype-confirming behavior on the part of the outgroup members. This is known as...
What is a self-fulfililng prophecy?
This type of culture emphasizes loyalty to the family, adherence to group norms, and the preservation of harmony in social relations.
What is collectivist?
People often ignore or undervalue statistical information in comparison with....
What is case study history?
Our perceptions of how other people react to us are called...
What are reflected appraisals?
Brehm (1956) asked college women to rate eight products and then gave each woman one to take home. Women who were allowed to choose the product they would receive and were then asked to re-rate the products. Brehm found that....
What is women rated the chosen product higher after making their choice?
The anxiety that comes from an awareness that one’s behavior may confirm other people’s stereotypes is referred to as ....
What is stereotype threat?
Name at least one advantage of correlational studies over experimental designs.
What is.....Some problems cannot be studied using an experimental design. Researchers can collect more information in a correlational study. Researchers can test more relationships between variables than they can in experiments.
Is negative or positive information weighted more heavily in people's judgments?
What is negative information?
This is the part of a person’s self-concept that comes from their membership in a social group and the value they attach to that membership.
What is social identity?
After much thought, Bob decides to buy a Honda rather than a Ford. After buying the car, he likes Honda and dislikes Fords even more than before. His reaction is consistent with the predictions of....
What is cognitive dissonance theory?
The belief that the ingroup is the center of everything and is superior to all outgroups is known as....
What is ethnocentrism?