Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-7
Chapters 8-11
Chapters 12-15
Chapters 16-19

Name one butter substitute

What is olive oil, coconut oil, margarine?


Quickly and partially cooking vegetables in hot water or oil and then shocking them by plunging them into once water or cold running water in order to halt the cooking process

What is blanching?


In the purchasing process,  these include the farmers and ranchers who raise produce and livestock.

What is a primary source?


This nutrient has the greatest number of calories.

What are fats?


This tissue break down when cooking meat.

What is collagen?


What types of eggs do most operations use?

What are Large?


This grade of fresh fruits are purchased for food service operations.

What is US Fancy?


This  type of plan give both managers and employees peace of mind by providing road maps to resolve any unusual situation. These plans are especially valuable in case of emergency, such as a fire or an outbreak of foodborne illness, which requires working with outside agencies.

What are contingency plans?


These people meet nutrient requirements by eating plant-based food, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds.

What is a vegetarian?


Are excellent ways to cook fish, especially the lean varieties.

What is poaching, simmering, and steaming?


What menu price uses the formula

Item food cost ÷ Food cost percentage = Menu price

What is Food Cost Percentage Method?


This is the temperature for storing vegetables that need to ripen, such as tomatoes and avocados.

What is 65 -70 degrees F?


This analysis must first determine the total cost of making the item in-house. The total of these costs should then be closely compared to the best price of the ready-made item.

What is make or buy analysis?


In the chain of distribution these include wholesalers, distributors, and suppliers. These various businesses are sometimes referred to as middlemen because they do not actually alter the products in any way.

What are intermediaries?


Are made with flour, yeast, water, and salt. They have very little or no sugar or fat.

What are lean doughs?


This is the menu price of an item if using the food cost percentage method.  The food cost percentage is 40% and the cost of food is $3.00.

What is $7.50?


This category of potato is best for boiling, steaming, sautéing, oven roasting, stewing, mashing, and braising.

What is a Medium Starch, medium moisture potatoe(Yukon Gold)?


These types of costs includes insurance, utilities, and an operation’s lease or mortgage on the building. 

What are fixed or overhead costs?

This is when employees learn the functions of another job within the operation. Employees benefit from this by becoming more skilled, which makes them more valuable to the company. It also sets them up for a promotion, which can earn them more money.

What is cross training?


When preparing poultry and stuffing, this is the temperature the bird and stuffing should reach.

What is 165 degrees F


These are made of eggs and can be either savory or sweet.

What are souffles?


This is the largest part of the grain and a major source of protein and carbohydrate. 

What is the endosperm?


This is the term  for the number of employees hired to fill one position in a year’s time. It directly impacts labor costs. Typically, the higher the turnover rate of a given operation, the higher the labor costs. This results primarily from the training costs involved in bringing on new staff.

What is employee turnover?


The EPA defines this as practices that meet current resource needs without compromising the ability to meet future needs—or using resources in ways today that do not hurt the future ability to use those same resources.

What is sustainability?


This should be stored in a self draining container.

What is fin fish?