Name 1 activity that Mr. Lenihan did. How did it teach teamwork.
Answer may verry.
Give an Example of Collaboration.
Answer may verry.
Give an example of an active community.
Answer will verry
Give an example of Diversity.
answer will very
Name rule number 7. Why is it important?
7: Treart others the way you want to be treated.
Give an example of good teamwork.
Answer may very.
Why is collaboration important?
it allows individuals to pool their knowledge, skills to solve problems, achieve goals, build stronger relationships, it also helps improve communication, build trust.
What is the deffinition of courage?
Strength in the face of pain/ grief. take ownership of the we do have control over
What is the deffinition of acceptance?
Willingness to tolerate a difficult/ unpleasant situation. Means letting go of the things outside your control.
What two rules go together?
Rule 1: Raise hand
Rule 6: No interrupting.
Why is teamwork important?
Answer may very.
What is the difference between teamwork and collaboration?
What is the Deffinition of communication
a process by which information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, is exchanged between people using a common system of symbols, signs, behavior, and words.
What is the deffiniton of empathy?
the ability to understand and share thoughts and feeling of others.
Name 2 of the easiest rules?
Rule 8: Job chart
Rule 10: Ask- ask for help, ask to talk, ask to listen, ect..
What is the deffinition of teamwork?
A group of people coming together to achieve a common goal.
What project did we do to learn about collaboration?
New Buddy. Had to work with someone normally don't find a common interest, and challenge to not just find an easy way to finish it fast.
What is the Deffinition of Community?
A feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interest, and goals.
What is the difference between Social, ethnic, genders, and race? When it comes to diversity.
Social: Meaning someones wealth or standing.
Ethnic: Meaning someone religious beliefs
Gender: Meaning Male/ Female
Race: Meaning where they come from: I.E White, African American, Mexian, Ect..
List all 10 rules.
1. raise hand
2. sit correctly
3. Buddy system: Hands to onself
4. No cursing (Swear words)
5. Be respecful of teachers and each other. Please and thank you.
6. No interrupting when someone is talking
7. Treat others the way you want to be treated
8. Job chart
9. Listen and follow instructions
10. Ask
What project did we do to help us learn teamwork?
Had to design a teamwork/ team build activity. The activity had to be a minimum of 10-15 minuets long,and had to be inclusive.
What is the definition of Collaboration?
The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
What is the difference between a living community and an active community?
Living community: Where people live, work, learn, ect..
Active community: A group of people coming together with a common attitude, interest or goal.
What is the Deffinition of Diversity?
The practice or quality of including people from a range of different social, ethnic backgrounds and different genders/ race.
What 2 rules has the group as whole have the most trouble following? Why do you think that is?
Rule 9: Listent to instructions
Rule 5: Be respectful