Chapter 1: Social Problem Background Analysis
Social Work and Policy Practice
Social Security Act of 1935
Chapter 2: Policy Analysis Overview
Chapter 3: Goals & Objectives

1. The power and social status of those who are defining the problem 2. The sheer number of people affected 3. The amount of destruction to society an unaddressed problem has

What are the three things on which importance of a social problem depends?


Using social work skills to propose and change policies in order to achieve the goal of social, environmental, and economic justice. 

What is policy practice?

The three types of federal assistance of the Social Security Act of 1935.
What are: Insurance (old-age insurance/pension; unemployment insurance/compensation); Assistance for people in need (public assistance for the aged); and Health services?
the Six Fundamental Policy Elements
What are: 1. Goals and objectives 2. Forms of benefits or services delivered 3. Entitlement (eligibility) rules 4. Administrative or organizational structure for service delivery 5. Financing method 6. Interactions among the prior elements

Statements about the extent of changes or effects a program is supposed to have. 

Who and how many are to be affected or changed by change efforts.

What are performance standards and target group specifications?

1. Identify the way the problem is defined (problem identification – what do you want to know?) 2. Identify the cause and consequences of the problem 3. Identify the ideology that makes the events of concern come to be defined as problematic 4. Identify who benefits/suffers from the problem
What are the four dimensions to consider in doing a social problem analysis?

Policy analysis, advocating for policy change, building coalitions, launching a campaign

What are policy practice activities?

5 Themes in Conflict with Strength Perspective of Policy Development
What are ________? 1. Capitalism and Private Market System 2. Means testing and investigations 3. Gender and Racial biases 4. Did not redistribute income or challenge social structure 5. Ignored structural barriers
What is a general, abstract statement that may elaborate on the direction of a policy or program initiatives to fulfill a mission (What purpose or goal do you wish to achieve with this gift?

Stated purposes of a policy and unstated purposes of a policy.

What are manifest and latent policy functions?

consists of a set of events (or variables or factors) arranged in a time sequence that shows the social problem event that is to be explained—what comes before the event and, therefore, is said to “cause” it and what comes after the event and is said to be a consequence
What is a causal chain?

Enhanced field placements, improved website and resources from influencing social policy fellows, from the Network for Social Work Management, a boot camp for early career researchers around getting policy to getting research to policy makers

What are activities supported by the Fund for Social Work Policy, Education, and Practice? 

Extremism Gender and racial bias Penalized those with chronic conditions Neglected housewives and temporary workers (including migrant workers)
What are some of the criticisms of the Social Security Act of 1935?
Adequacy,Equity, & Efficiency
What are -the minimum amount to be sufficient; -access to the same opportunities; -and cost-effectiveness?

A specific, empirical, measurable statement about a desired outcome. 

A statement of desire qualities in human and social conditions, which is expressed in general and abstract terms. 

What is an objective and what is a goal? 

A set of value statements.
What is an ideology?

students who are interested in policy work to really be good advocates when they're in social work school to say they really want this and not get discouraged if someone says, oh, well you should be doing something else because policy is a strong part of social work education

What is one suggestion for increasing policy field placements at schools of social work? 

1937 - Steward Machine Co. v. Davis (part 1 of question) 1937 - Helvering v Davis
What is the law established mechanism to provide for unemployment compensation and old age benefits? What is the case that sustained the old-age benefits provisions of the Social Security Act of 1935?
The two perspectives that shape policies and programs.
What are: -the Legislators who passed the enabling laws -the middle managers and practitioners who implement the program

Methods of Identifying Goals and Objectives in policies

What are •Step 1: Locate the Enabling Legislation •Step 2: Locate Legislative History •Step 3: Locate Staff and Committee Studies and Reports •Step 4: Check Other “Official” Sources

a conception of what is preferred; express a vision of how things “ought” to be. Note that value statements can be simple or complex, but in the end, they need no justification because they are personal or cultural preferences.
What is a value?

1) Another thing we really recommend is for schools of social work to do a better job in keeping in contact with their alumni who do go into policy careers. 2) We recommend to the people who are working in policy to link back either with their school of social work or the schools that are in their community, where they're working so that they can serve as mentors and potentially feel directors for social work students.


What is are two suggestions for increasing policy field placements at schools of social work?

1939 Amendments to the Social Security Act
What are old – age insurance program was expanded to include survivors and increased amounts authorized for federal grants to the states for maternal and child health, crippled children, child welfare, vocational rehabilitation, and public health?
The fit of the policy element to the social problem of concern The consequences of the policy element with regard to adequacy, equity, and efficiency for consumers and program participants Criteria that are uniquely useful for a single policy element but not others
What are the evaluation criteria for the policy elements in a program, service, or policy system

These programs deliver tangible items such as goods and these programs provide intangible services (e.g. personal social services)

What is Hard Benefit Program and a Soft Benefit Program