Solidarity, and a Call to Family and Community
The Dignity of Work

What is the Golden Rule? 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 


How do Roman Catholics gauge a person's or society's spiritual maturity? 

Based upon how they treat the poor and vulnerable. 


What do objective truths tell us, according to Existentialism? 

data, facts, truths of science and mathematics, etc. 


How is the Garden of Eden a type of Temple? 

It is a place where God meets and lives with creation. 


What is Becoming, according to Plato?

That realm of physical or material matter. It is temporal, shows change, sensible, copied, and imperfect. 


A Call to Family, Community, and Participation includes understanding why their are inequalities in society. According to our lecture, where do inequalities and failures in society stem from? 

A corruption or breakdown of some kind in our relationships in the community.


According to Jesus' parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Matthew 25, why are the sheep received, while the goats are told to depart? 

Based upon what they did or did not do to help the poor and vulnerable.


What do Subjective Truths tell us, according to Existentialism? 

They are the most important truths
They reveal one's values - the core of who they are


How does Adam naming the animals indicate that he is acting like a priest?  

Priests determined and classified animals when offering sacrifice. This means they had to know what was clean/unclean and what kind of animal they were dealing with. 


What was Being for Plato? 

The ethereal realm of Ideas. These "divine" forms are eternal, intelligible, archetypal, and perfect. 


Roman Catholic Social Justice calls us to love our neighbor as ourself. This includes how we organize society. What are the three categories given to us to tangibly and substantially love our neighbor? 

Economics, Politics, Law


Roman Catholics affirm the right of the worker to organize and join these types of groups, which offer workers a stronger negotiating power with their employers. What are these groups called? 

Worker's Union or Labor Union


“Man first of all exists, surges up in the world—and defines himself afterwards…humans are nothing else but what the man makes of himself.”

What is this concept called? 

Existence precedes Essence 


According to research studies, what is the strongest predictor of whether or not they accept the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change? 

Politics or one's political position 


What is the Final Cause for Aristotle? 

Our purpose or goal - the one thing we exist to do. 


Roman Catholic Social Justice teaches: We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world.

What is this concept called? 



In Genesis 1, God creates all things, then calls it good. He then tells creation, “Be fruitful and multiply. Spread through all the Earth and subdue it.” What does this have to do with the dignity of work? 

God calls all creation to create. We enter God's actions and do the same. We are called to work and create. 


What does it mean for Existentialists to deny Essence? 

They deny that creation exists for any purpose or design. We chose therefore to create purpose or meaning. 


How is God shown to share his authority with Human Beings in Genesis 1? 

God blesses, and calls humans to rule over creation. 

What is Becoming for Sartre? 

What we are now, at this moment, leading to our death.  


Define the concept of Subsidiarity 

A principle of social doctrine that teaches all social bodies exist for the sake of the individual. What individuals are able to do, society should not take over. What small societies can do, larger societies should not take over...etc. 


What are the two general reasons why their is poverty in the world? 

1. Differences in Skill
2. Differences in Opportunities - because of wealth


Why were Existentialists accused of leading people to despair? 

Because their philosophy holds that there is no meaning or purpose to existence except what we create for ourselves. 


We mentioned that Climate Change is a threat multiplier. What does this mean? 

It makes a lot of bad problems even worse.
i.e. refugee crises, hunger, disease, poverty, biodiversity loss, deforestation, air pollution, and scarcity of resources. 


What is Being for Sartre? 

What humans are when they died. “This is who they are wholly."