Apple Pie
French Fries
Name any three branches of science.
Meteorology, Biology, Archaeology, Physiology, Ecology, Astronomy, and Zoology are all branches of science. There are more!
This is a concept in science that represents the ratio of mass to volume.
We read objectives at the beginning of each class. What kind of objective refers to listening, speaking, reading, or writing in English?
Language Objective
When we study science, we sit on a couch all day and watch TV. True or False.
False! When we study science we "do" science.
What do we use to conduct direct observations?
We use our five senses to conduct direct observations!
You put a piece of Halloween candy in your mouth. It tastes sweet. What kind of observation are you making?
A direct observation because you are using one of your five senses.
What do we use to make indirect observations?
To make indirect observations, we use equipment.
If I want to measure the mass of the golf ball we used in our first lab project, what piece of equipment would I use?
A balance!
What is the first experiment that we did in class yesterday?
We tossed a coin ten times and found the percentage of heads and tails that were shown.
Science is a process of inquiry. What does the word "inquiry" mean?
Inquiry mean to ask questions.
When I was sick as a child, my mother used a thermometer to check my temperature. What kind of observation was she making?
She was making an indirect observation because she was using a piece of equipment to find out my body temperature.
In science, problems are usually stated as what?
Problems are usually stated as questions.
True or False. Questions in science are usually yes or no questions.
False. Questions in science are open-ended questions that require detailed explanations to answer.
What is the second step in the scientific method?
The second step in the scientific method is research!
How does research help scientists in their work?
Research helps scientists to find background information and to come up with an hypothesis.
"I think.....because...." is one way to begin to write what?
An hypothesis!
What is an hypothesis?
An "educated guess" based on research that scientists do.
What is one very important thing about an hypothesis?
It must be something that can be tested through an experiment!
Why do scientists conduct experiments?
Scientists conduct experiments to find out if their hypothesis is true.
The materials list and the steps of an experiment are known as what?
The procedure!
Name 3 discoveries that Mr. Cauley made about ghost crabs in his research.
They dig burrow up to 4 feet underground. They eat sea jellies. They can run fast (10 miles per hour). They can catch insects out of the air. They can eat baby sea turtles. They can store oxygen for 6 weeks.
Why is it important that the procedure of an experiment is very detailed?
Procedures should be detailed so that anyone can repeat the experiment.
"Add salt to the water" is an example of a detailed step in a procedure. True or False. Explain your answer!
False! More information is needed! For example, the amount of salt should be specified and the volume of water would be another helpful detail.
If you flip a coin 12 times and there are 5 heads and 7 tails, what number sentence do you write to find the percentage of heads that are shown?
5 divided by 12 times 100 = 42%
If you flip a coin 12 times and there are 5 heads and 7 tails, what number sentence do you write to find the percentage of tails that are shown?
7 divided by 12 times 100% = 58%