this slows down the process of the brain and many other functions controlled by the brain
what is depressants/downers
the way the parts and systems of your body work together
what is physical heath
illness of the mind that can affect the thought, feelings, and behaviors of a person
what is mental disorders
develops slowly and you might not even realize your sick. you could have a cough, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and shortness of breath
what is emphysema
the type of alcohol in an alcoholic beverages
what is ethanol
Affect a person's perceptions, sensations, thinking, self-awareness and emotions
what is Hallucinogens
loving relationships, respect the rights of others, and give and accept help
what is social heath
strong irrational fear of something specific
what is phobia
oxygen cut off to the brain
what is a stroke
disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contains alcohol
what is alcoholism
any substance that alters perception or behavior reducing that individuals ability to function appropriately in an environment.
what is a drug
includes feelings about yourself, how well you relate to others, and how well you meet the demand's of daily life
what is mental heath
obsessive thought's and compulsive actions, such as cleaning, checking, counting or hoarding
what is OCD
chemical found in Tabaco and is extremely addictive
what is nicotine
a state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the persons physical and mental control is significantly reduced
what is intoxication
speed up the process of the brain and many functions controlled by the brain
what is stimulants/uppers
collective belief's, costumes, and behaviors of a group
what is culture environment
constant feeling of hopelessness, sadness, and lack of interest to preform in daily life
what is depression
inhaling carcinogens when your not actually smoking is called
what is secondhand smoking
chemical action of yeast sugars or the basic process to make alcohol
what is fermentation
caffeine is an ensample of
a. depressants/downers
b. hallucinogens
c. CNS stimulant's/uppers
what is CNS stimulants/uppers (c)
physical, mental, and emotional
what is the element's of heath
eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, intence fear of gaining weight.
what is Anorexia
increased heart rate, blood pressure, cough, colds and decreased physical endurance and flow or blood and oxygen supply
what is short term effects of smoking
pattern of drinking where you reach BCA of .08% in less than in 2 hours
what is binge drinking