Getting to know you
Is this OK?
What would you do?

Found out something new about a student in the room.

Ask a question about themselves


Name some things that make you happy.



What happens when the upstairs brain and the downstairs brain don't talk anymore?

You flip your lid.


You've asked someone to stop touching you, but they just laugh and tell you to get over it. Is this OK? What should you do? 

No-- No one should keep touching you if you tell them to stop. If they won't stop, try getting help from an adult or moving somewhere else away from them. 


Your friend wants to play a game, but you don't know how to play. What can you do? 

ask them to show you, ask if you can watch for a second, suggest something you both know how to play


Found out 1 new thing you have in common with a student in the room.

Do you like ___?


Show at least 1 way your face can look when you feel excited. 



What's something cool that your different brain can do?



Jack is 12 years-old and his favorite show is Blue's Clues. He really wants to watch it with you, but you think it's a baby show and aren't interested. This this OK? What should you do?

Yes! Anyone can like what they like. Try compromising: Maybe you watch 1 episode of Blue's Clues and then do something else. 


Your teacher is trying to help you with your homework, and it feels like you're about to flip your lid. What should you do?

Let them know you're getting frustrated, suggest a better way they can help you, ask for a break and come back to it later
Name 1 thing someone in the room likes

Rachael likes video games, Gabe likes horror, Justyn likes Roblox, Brady likes tools, etc. 


How can you tell if someone is nervous?

Looking away, being quiet, stuttering, fidgeting, face turns red, etc. 


Name 1 way people's brains might be different. 

Some people have trouble paying attention to words, some brains make sounds feel louder, some brains make it hard to make decisions, etc. 


Your friend just made you really upset by accident. They say they're sorry, but you're still feeling mad. Is this OK? What should you do? 

Yes! It's OK to still be mad. Try taking a break until you're ready to accept your friend's apology. 


Your friend is getting frustrated because you are having trouble understanding what they are asking you to do. What can you do?

Apologize and let them know you're trying, think of some other way they might be able to help you understand


Name 1 thing someone in the room doesn't like.

Rachael and Justyn don't like math, Gabe doesn't like video chats, Brady doesn't like boring work, etc.


Can you control how you feel? 


Your classmate's brain makes it hard for them to respond when you talk to them. What's 1 way you can be their friend?

Try finding ways to play that don't require them to talk back.


You just made a funny joke about your friend's goofy-looking new haircut. She doesn't say anything right away, but later comes to you and says your joke really hurt her feelings. Is this OK? What can you do?

Yes! We should always listen to others' feelings. Try apologizing and keep in mind that she might not find that type of joke funny. 


You've flipped your lid and just feel like screaming and crying and hitting anyone who comes too close. What should you do?

Go somewhere quiet you can be alone to calm down. 


Name at least 1 thing that makes another student in the room feel angry. 

Annoying questions, getting in their space, sudden changes in the day

Name a good way to deal with big feelings.

Taking a deep breath, asking for a break, being alone, hugs, etc. 

Name 3 ways you can tell if you're about to flip your lid.

Tense feeling in your tummy, face feels hot, fists start to clench, breathing a little harder


You and your friend can't seem to agree on anything to play together. Everything you come up with, they say is a stupid idea. You've asked them to compromise, but they just want you to accept their ideas. Is this OK? What should you do?

No-- Someone who won't compromise and makes you feel bad about yourself isn't your friend. 


You're about to flip your lid, but you don't know why and you don't know how to stop it. What should you do?

Take a few minutes to be alone. Then, have an adult or friend check back on you after you've had a chance to calm down, then try talking with them about how they can help you.