The 3 C's
Berlin Conference
Random Review (1)
Random Review(2)

What are the 3 C's?





  Who was at the Berlin Conference?

European countries and the united states.


What caused of First and the second  Sudan Civil War

The first: indirect rule policy &  Berlin conference

The second: President of Sudan wanted control of oil on North and South Sudan border & President of Sudan implemented Sharia Law
(Islamic Law) for the whole country of Sudan 


***What name goes in the blank****

"Regarding the battle, a young _______ _______ wrote, “it is the most signal triumph ever gained by the arms of science over barbarians. Within the space of five hours the strongest and best-armed savage army yet arrayed against a modern European Power had been destroyed and dispersed, with hardly any difficulty.””  

 Winston Churchill 


What is the point of Commers?

 buying and selling of resources 


  What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

establishing rules to amicably divide resources among the Western countries at the expense of the African people


______and the ________ colonized Sudan

Egypt and the United Kingdome (UK)


 ***Daily Double***

   According to Churchill, how did Britain view the Sudanese people and the war against them? Use evidence from his quote. 

“Regarding the battle, a young Winston Churchill wrote, “it is the most signal triumph ever gained by the arms of science over barbarians. Within the space of five hours the strongest and best-armed savage army yet arrayed against a modern European Power had been destroyed and dispersed, with hardly any difficulty.”” 

He said they were easy to beat, and it only took them 5 hours. He said they were the best army Africa had. He called them savages which is calling them crazy people. He also said that they destroyed them 



What is the point of civilization?

"help” the African people become more “civilized” like Europeans 


  Who was NOT represented at the Berlin Conference?



Which part of Sudan is more diverse: North or South? Explain why.

South because it was a lot of different tribes, and the north was mostly Muslim.


What is a “puppet leader” and how does that apply to the indirect rule policy?

A lot of leaders and one main leader and the main leader tells the other leader what to do. 


What is the point of Christianity?

spread religion to help “save” and “civilize” African people


  ****Dailey Double****

Why is it important to learn about the African tribes when discussing colonization and imperialism of Africa?

It is important because they tried to change the Africans for what they wanted which was the resources and to spread Christianity. They never thought about the African people/tribes and how that would ruin there day to day practices.


 Why did Egypt prefer North Sudan over South Sudan?

The north was Muslim and they are not aloud to hurt people in there same religion.


What does Anglo mean?

People from the United Kingdom 



The 3 C’s are the _______ why _______ countries _______ and _______ Africa 

Reasons, European, Colonized, & Imperialized


What impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa?

It established the rules for the conquest and partition of Africa, the ideas of Africa as a "playground" for outsiders.


What policy completely left South Sudan out of the government?

Indirect rule policy


Why did Britain want to colonize Sudan?

For the gold