What´s the Main Idea
All About the Main Idea
Verbs in Past Tense
Even More Main Idea
More verbs

 Children are very curious and like to learn things. Teaching young children can be very enjoyable. Young children usually love their teachers. The classroom activities and games are fun to do.

Teaching young children can be very enjoyable.

What is main idea?
The most important idea in a paragraph.

The past tense of : to swim



 Without a good night's sleep, you can't digest your food property. Your body cannot grow and heal. Also, if you don't sleep well, you can't function well the next day. It is important to get a good night's sleep.

It is important to get a good night's sleep.


Choose the correct forms of the verb : to draw

A: draws/draw     drawed   drawed

B: draws/draw     drawed   drawn

C: draws/draw      drew      drawn

C: draws/draw      drew      drawn


Whats the main idea? It can be tiring to manage a classroom with many children. Elementary school teachers have a vey difficult job. The days are long and sometimes they have to stay after school for meetings.

Elementary school teachers have a vey difficult job.

What are supporting details?
Details that support your main idea.

The The past tense of the ver: to begin



Dogs make great companions, so you don't feel so lonely. Dogs also help you to get exercise. Petting a dog has been shown to reduce stress. Finally, studies show that people who have dogs live longer than people who don't. Everybody should have a dog.

Dogs are good pets, everybody should have a dog.


Tell me the participle of the verb :to ride



What is the main idea? Tom loves to rollerblade. He got a brand new set of roller blades for his birthday, and every afternoon he goes outside to practice his moves until his mother makes him come inside for dinner. During dinner, Tom usually talks about rollerblading. At night, he sleeps about rollerblading.

Tom loves to rollerblade

Name two tips that help you find the main idea.
1. Highlight important words 2. Ask yourself "What is the WHOLE passage trying to tell me about?" 3. Look at the first and last sentences. 4. Make sure every detail sentence would fit into the main idea.

The past tense of the verb: to draw



Cats tend to be quieter than dogs.

They are also more independent than dogs. so they don't require as much attention. Cat's don't need to be walked, and you can leave them alone overnight if you have to. This is why many people preter cats to dogs.

What is the main idea?

Many people prefer cats to dogs.


Tell me the past tense and participle tense of the verb:to sing




What is the main idea? When Bob got to school, he realized he had left his lunch at home. He looked in his pockets. but he did not have any money to buy lunch. When he told his friend Pete, Pete offered Bob halt of his sandwich.

Bob forgot his lunch.

When writing a paragraph you must have sentences that support your main idea. What are these sentences called?
Supporting details

The past tense of the verb: to ride



Mittens was the tiniest kitten in the litter. While the other kittens seemed to grow a lot every day. Mitten stayed tiny. She could easily get under furniture where the other cats didn't fit, and she often went missing. She was so little that sometimes her human would scoop her up and put her in a coffee mug!

 What is the main idea?

Mitten is a tiny kitten.


Tell me the participle of the verb: to give
