How do you come to school?
How do you spell "人々" in English?
フライドポテト is not English. How do you say that in English?
French fries / Chips
Kaito likes ___________.
I am sweet.
I am cold.
Everyone often eats me in summer.
ice cream
We had a great time.
How do you spell "お気に入りの" in English?
ガソリンスタンド is not English. How do you say that in English?
gas station
Unit 1. Meg is going to visit ___________________.
I have a big gray body.
I have big ears.
I have a very long nose.
We practice five days a week.
How do you spell "難しい" in English?
ホッチキス is not English. How do you say that in English?
Who is he?
Mr. Toda
I am black and white.
I like to study.
My friend is an eraser.
Look at the people on the stage.
How do you spell "ハンバーガー" in English?
シャープペンシル is not English. How do you say that in English?
mechanical pencil
Ms. Cook usually has ______, _______, and _______ for her breakfast.
toast, fruit, and yogurt
I am black and white.
My shape is triangle.
My friends are umeboshi and okaka.
Rice ball(onigiri)
The boy in the black yukata is Kaito.
How do you spell "はさみ" in English?
ジェットコースター is not English. How do you say that in English?
roller coaster
You: Can you show me the menu?
Waiter: Yes, here you are.
You: Can I have _________, please?
(say one food in the picture)
sandwich, crackers, biscuits, small hotdogs
I can light the dark sky.
I can be many colors.
I like summer and festivals.