About Half of Gold is mined and used for what?
What kind of resource is coal?
Where is Gold typically found?
South Africa
T/F Diamonds in sierra Leone are a renewable resource?
What are majority of diamonds used for?
Coal is good for the enviornment? T/F
T/F Gold in South Africa is a non-renewable resource?
What country are diamonds typically found?
Sierra Leone
When Gold is found in loose sediment, like sand, or riverbeds it is called what?
Placer Mining
When coal mining is used for the top of the earth called?
Surface Mining
What natural resource has had a huge impact on the economy of South Africa?
What resource has been tied to child labor?
What kind of mining is it when Gold is found in solid rock?
Hard Rock Mining
Coal has been the what of the appalachian community for over 100 years?
Coal is typically found is near where we live?
Appalachian Mountains
What continent is Sierra Leone located at?
What do we call it when we mine for diamonds on the surface?
Alluvial Mining
Coal is mostly found in What two continents?
North America and Asia
Coal has driven what kind of decisions?
Lithium is usually used in batteries and is mainly from Argentina, Chili, and what other country?