These are 2 things a good reader does BEFORE reading
Preview the text, including questions
Make predictions
Draw from prior knowledge
This text structure uses these cue words: both, and, unlike, contrarily
Compare / contrast
Something that catches your eye in the text; visual information
This is the opening statement of a body paragraph
Topic sentence
This is the person who initiates communication
Good readers always read a passage this many times
At least 2 times
This text structure uses dates, periods in history, or cue words like today, tomorrow...
These are the 2 types of text features
Internal and external
There should be at least 2 or 3 of these in the middle of the paragraph
This is the "listener" in the communication process
During reading, a good reader will do these 2 things
Google unknown words
Chunk it - summarize at the ends of paragraphs
Plastic in the ocean are causing big problems for sea life. To improve the health of our oceans, people should reduce the use of plastics and do their best to reuse plastic containers.
Problem - solution
The title, headings, and footnotes are all this type of text feature
These contain a claim, evidence, and follow-up statement
The H in the HEAR model stands for this
Good readers do this after reading
Reflect - think about what was just read
To make a paper airplane, get a piece of paper and fold it in half. Next, unfold the paper and fold the end corners in to make the nose. Last fold each side out to make the wings.
Sequence - process
Bullet points and italicized or bolded words are this type of text feature
This is the last sentence in a body paragraph
Concluding statement
An empathic listener listens for these 2 things
content and intent
Good readers know that the only way to get better at reading is to do this
Don't forget your #2 pencil for the test tomorrow. When you arrive, you will have to turn off your cell phone, grab your #2 pencil out of your bag, and get seated immediately. Once seated, you are not allowed to move until break; this is why it is imperative that you remember your #2 pencil before you get seated!
Order of Importance
Correctly name an internal and external text features
answer will vary - teacher determines accuracy
These are the 2 sentences that should contain similar information within the paragraph
Topic sentence and concluding statement
These are 2 things an active listener will do
sit up, lean forward, make good eye contact, nod