Need to Know!
Thesis Statement
Irony Types
Irony Examples
PASSAGE: A Little Thievery
PASSAGE: A Study in Scarlet #2
PASSAGE: The Sign of the Four #3
Vocab 1
Vocab 2

What is the NUMBER ONE thing you need to know/do to pass YOUR test in Mrs. Daniel's class!

Know your vocabulary!


We signal for SEVERAL things in this class to communicate to one another; what is the ONE thing I DO NOT LIKE and do not want to hear (you may say it now - ONCE) :-)



explain what a two week starter is and how to access it?

2-week starter is passages that we complete through commonlit. To access the passages we go to Google classroom and scroll down to "2-week starter due .... *PICK 2*' 

complete 2 out of the 6 passages to receive credit. It is worth 100 points total for the 9 weeks and is due every 2 weeks!


What is the grade check log and how do we fill it out?

It is a form that we fill out WEEKLY in google classroom. We first check out grades and then complete our log! 


What is Mrs. Daniel's Favorite Holiday!



Explain the NEW procedure on what to do if we need to leave class for any reason.

1. we use our signals if applicable.

2. we fill out our hall pass! EVERYTIME!!


If you turn in a 2-week starter LATE what should you do?

EMAIL ms daniel and POLITELY inform here that you have completed your assignment for the 2 week starter due ________ (DATE) and the two that you completed are: ___________________.


What is the procedure if you need to charge it?

If it is classwork you will charge it at the front of the room on the podium in the charging station and complete the classwork on looseleaf or a printed copy provided to you.

If it is a test or a project (large assessment such as a writing assignment) we will charge it and continue to work and a minor will be issued. 


What is the procedure for beginning our class daily? What is the procedure for exiting/ending class?

Enter: chromebooks power up IMMEDIATELY, Enter quietly, Bell rings begin working on bellringer SILENTLY, directions for bellringer on board, we 

USUALLY listen to two songs, first song is complete that is the half way mark, second song is complete Times up for bellringer.

END CLASS: exactly at the time determined we pack up our desks, Mrs Daniel's sprays desk, students wipe desk, we through towel in bin, we germex. WHILE we are "cleaning up" we are quiet/silent and discussing our lesson or upcoming project as a class. We do not stand up out of our seats UNTIL the bell rings.


What is this:  a one sentence summary that "wraps" the article up in a neat little bow!

Central Idea


Your thesis statement will guide your writing. It is a ______________ for your paper.



The three types of irony are

situational, verbal, dramatic


On "Friends", Ross' wife has just divorced him. He explains to his friends that he "just wants to be married again." Then, a girl walks in the building wearing a wedding dress.

Situational Irony


What is an inference in ELA?

Literary Definition of Inference

The literary definition of “inference” is more specifically: “Using clues provided by the author to figure things out.” You might use these context clues to figure out things about the characters, setting, or plot. Inferences are an important part of reading comprehension. 


Character Traits: Which word best describes the narrator's feelings in this passage?

A) Proud       B) Gloating      C) Doubtful    D) Generous

C) Doubtful


Inferring: Based on its use in the passage, what does the word "launch" mean in this context?

A) To project or send

B) A tank or armored vehicle

C) A horse

D) A boat

E) group

C) A boat


What does the word contradicting mean?

be in conflict with, assert the opposite


If an issue has strong opposing views it is



What is the difference between Mood and Tone?

 Mood - the way the reader FEELS

Tone - the author's attitude towards the subject!


Your thesis statement is found in (1) what sentence and (2) which paragraph?

The LAST sentence of the INTRODUCTION paragraph


This type of irony is often similar to a sarcastic response.

verbal irony?


In "The Lion King", Simba is upset because he believes that he caused his father's death. He is unaware that Scar killed Mufasa.

Dramatic Irony


Inferring: Which clues in the text suggest that the "wicked thief" is very short? Select all that apply.

A) The title includes the word "Little."

B) The title includes the word "Thievery."

C) The thief is described as having a "bewildered expression."

D) Detective Chalmers implies that the thief stood on a stool during the robbery.

E) Detective Chalmers says, "We had been looking for an exceedingly tall suspect..."

F) Detective Chalmers says, "we should have been looking right under our noses."

A) The title includes the word "Little." & 

D) Detective Chalmers implies that the thief stood on a stool during the robbery.


Inferring: What most likely happened right before this passage?

A) Holmes expressed his uncertainty about the mystery of how and when the two people arrived at the house.

B) The narrator expressed his uncertainty about the possibility of solving this mystery.

C) Holmes and the narrator witnessed the two people arriving at the house.

D) Holmes gave an incredibly specific theory or prediction about how and when the two people arrived at the house.

D) Holmes gave an incredibly specific theory or prediction about how and when the two people arrived at the house.


RANDOM WILD CARD: How many points TOTAL is the 2-week starter for a grading period?

100 points!


Depict means to



if something is ambiguous it is

unclear, unsure


The lesson that the author wants to teach us



Which of these makes the best thesis statement?             A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt began the system of Social Security during the depression years in the 1930s.       B. We shouldn't have Social Security anymore.         C. The current system of Social Security needs a complete overhaul in administration and philosophy if it is going to benefit future generations.

What is C?      C. A-a fact; B-too general; CORRECT ANSWER IS: C-states one main idea with two subtopics.


When an audience perceives something that a character does not know.

Dramatic Irony


If Tom Brady didn't watch football.

situational irony


Synonyms: Which of the following words is the best synonym for "exceedingly"?

A) Terrifyingly

B) Extremely

C) Mysteriously

D) Slightly

B) Extremely


Identifying Dialect: What do the word choices and manner of speaking tell the reader about these two characters? Select the TWO best Answers

A) That they are using a formal tone.

B) That they are likely not speaking their first language.

C) That they are using a casual tone.

D) That they are likely highly educated.

A) That they are using a formal tone. &  

D) That they are likely highly educated.


Predicting: What is most likely going to happen next?

A) The people who caught the man will help him.

B) The man will capture the people on the other boat and imprison them.

C) The man will escape and run off into the woods.

D) The people who caught the man will imprison him once more.

D) The people who caught the man will imprison him once more.


An explanation of something that is not immediately obvious



WILD CARD: What is the formula for thesis statement that we have learned in class.

Thesis Statement = __________ + ___________

Thesis Statement = TOPIC + KEY DETAILS