Elements of a story
Parts of Speech
Finish this sentence with the correct punctuation: What time is lunch____
Name the type of conflict: Jim's car doesn't start when he is trying to leave for work.
Man vs. Machine Conflict
Name the Protagonist of Maniac McGee.
Jeffrey aka Maniac McGee
what 2 pieces of information do you need in order to make an inference? (Hint: think puzzle pieces)
1. What I know 2. What I observe
What part of speech refers to a person, place or thing?
Complete this sentence with correct punctuation: Go to your room____
Name the type of conflict. 2 brothers want to play with the same toy at the same time.
Man vs. Man conflict
Tell us the difference between a Dynamic and a Static character.
Dynamic character changes throughout the story. Static Character does not change throughout the story.
"It's 90 degrees outside, I cannot wait to do cannon balls off the diving board later." Where am I going?
The pool I know: people go swimming in the summer and swimming pols have diving boards I observe: It is 90 degrees outside and the person is excited for the diving board
What part of speech are describing words?
Give an example of a sentence that would end with a period.
Ex. My favorite color is purple.
Give an example of a man vs nature conflict.
Answers may vary Ex. A man shoots a deer while hunting or a person's house gets destroyed by a tornado
What part of the plot would you be introduced to the seting and the characters? A. Exposition B. Climax C. Resolution
A. Exposition
I just got the call. I have to get my suit on and drive to the scene before the whole house burns down. Who am I?
A firefighter I know: firefighters have to put on fire proof suits before fighting fires I observe: this person has to get a suit on before going to a burning house
What part of speech are action words?
Give an example of a sentence that ends with an exclamation point.
Ex. I got an A on my math test for the first time ever!
Give an example of a man vs self conflict.
Ex. A girl doesn't want to go to school because she does not like the way her hair looks.
What is the "turning point" of the story?
The Climax
What can you infer if I said... "Jimmy is excited to blow out his candles and open his presents"
It is Jimmy's birthday I know: people have candles on cake for their birthday and get presents I observe: Jimmy gets to blow out his own candles and open his presents
Find the nouns in the following sentence: My sister likes whipped cream and a cherry on her ice cream.
sister, whipped cream, cherry, ice cream
Name the 3 types of end punctuation marks and give an example for each
.=period ?=question mark !=exclamation point Sentences may vary
List 4 of the 6 types of conflicts found in literacy.
Man vs Man Man vs Self Man vs Nature Man vs Machine Man vs Supernatural Man vs Technology
Name the 5 parts of the plot of a story.
1. Exposition 2. Rising Actions 3. Climax 4. Falling Actions 5. Resolution
"Crack! Thunder struck and rain poured. Max stared blankly out the window, trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather. He was beginning to lose it. Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sobs." What can you infer about Max's emotions?
Max is upset because he wants to fly his kite but cannot because it is storming. I know: you cannot fly kites in the rain I observe: Max has a kite in his hand and is watching it storm
Identify the noun, verb and adjective in the following sentence. I like to run with my fluffy dog.
Noun: dog Verb: run Adjective: fluffy