the great drought
great depression
Alberta becoming a province
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random 2
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random 4

what was one challenge during the great drought when it came to soil?

the dry soil was blown away and there was nowhere for the plants to grow


Which group of people had an especially hard time during the great depression? 

single men - they did not receive government support and often ended up homeless


What was one of the reasons Edmonton became the capital city and how was it an opportunity? 

it had a long-standing trading post and was the gateway to the north. It attracted more people to move there with more business, which was good for growth


What animal that is now an important Canadian symbol was traded between First Nations and Settlers? What in particular was traded?

beaver - beaver pelt


what were two things that the buffalo can be used for other than for its meat?

hooves- glue, 

bones - knives/ arrow-heads/needles/shovels/games

sinew- string, thread for sewing and bows

stomach- container, cups

skin - containers, clothing, teepee covers, drums, bags,...


What is weather?

the state of the atmosphere in the moment


What is a compass rose?

a circle showing the cardinal directions, often also the intermediate directions. It helps navigate maps


what was one opportunity that came out of the drought related to farming?

new dry-farming techniques (like prevention of erosion through shelterbelts, strip farming, contour farming)


what did the government do during the great depression to help people?

relief act - assist with unemployment and small amounts of money


before Alberta became a province, money from resources went to the Canadian government in Ottawa- was that a challenge or opportunity? How?

challenge- unfair that Ottawa decided how to spend money made in Alberta 


Who were the voyageurs?

mainly men, mainly French, working for Companies exploring new lands and transporting goods in Canoes


What did Sir John A. Macdonald have built in order to attract more Settlers from Europe?

A railway from the East Coast to the West Coast (CPR)


Name two cities that are located in the Rocky Mountains

Banff, Canmore, Jasper, Lake Louise


What are the four intermediate directions?






what was one opportunity that came out of the drought related to water?

new techniques to preserve water (like reservoirs and irrigation techniques)


What was a challenge for children during the great depression?

hard, often dangerous jobs for very little money


when it became a new province, the federal government provided regular funding and income from local resources stayed in the province. How was that a CHALLENGE?

when the money was gone, it would be difficult to ask more 


Why are languages so important to Indigenous people?

They serve them as a link to their history and culture. They have a strong oral tradition. Most history is not written down


name two British explorers that were part of finding routes further and further west

Henry Hudson, Henry Kelsey, Anthony Henday, Alexander Mackenzie


Name three of the natural regions

Parkland, Foothills, Canadian Shield, Rocky Mountains, Grasslands, Boreal Forest


Which direction do you have to go from the teacher desk to get to the swings (imagine you can walk in a  straight line through walls) 

south west


What did the Canadian government do to help farmers during the great drought?

creation of Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act to assist farmers


how did many churches and charities help out during the great depression? 

soup kitchen and shelters


when it became a new province, the federal government provided regular funding and income from local resources stayed in the province. How was that a OPPORTUNITY?

Alberta had greater control over how to spend their money


How many numbered Treaties are there in Canada?



What was the name of a famous Metis leader who went to Ottawa to fight for the rights of Metis people and negotiated the Red River area to become part of the Dominion of Canada?

Louis Riel


name two national or provincial parks that can be found in Alberta


Which feature of maps helps you understand what different parts of the map mean?



When was the great drought? 

1929 -1939


When was the great depression?

started on Black Friday (October 29, 1929), lasted for ca 10 years


what was one of the main economies in New Alberta?



When was treaty 6 signed?

1876 in Fort Carlton and Fort Pitt between the Crown, Cree, Chipweyan and Stoney nations.  


What is one of the reasons that languages die?

it is easier for the few people that still speak it to speak in English or French because too few people speak their own language


What is the difference between HIGH altitudes and LOW altitudes when it comes to vegetation?

higher altitudes have less diversity. In general, many grasses, wild flowers and coniferous trees grow in the Rocky Mountains.  


what are three NON-renewable sources of energy found in Alberta?

oil, natural gas, coal