How often do read for fun?
Personal / Nowadays, I rarely read for fun
Say something you never do
Personal / I never dance ballet
What time do you get on weekends?
Personal / I get up at 5am
How often do you brush your teeth?
Personal / I brush my teeth 3 times a day
What are you doing now
Personal / I am having fun
How often do you visit your parents?
Personal / I visit my parents every 15 days
Say something you sometimes do
Personal / I sometimes walk my girlfriend's dog.
What time do you usually go to bed?
Personal / I usually go to bed at 10pm
How often do you floss?
Personal / I floss once a day
What is mom doing now?
Personal / I think she is sleeping
How often do you eat your favorite food?
Personal / I eat my favorite food every week
Say something you always do
Personal / I always get up early
What time do you usually have lunch?
Personal / I usually have lunch at 12:30
How often do you wash your hands?
What is boss doing now?
Personal / I think he is working
How often do you take care of the maintenance of your car?
Personal / I take care of the maintenance of my car once a year.
Say something you rarely do
Personal / I rarely drink wine
What time do you do your laundry?
Personal / I usually do my laundry on Saturday mornings
How often do you wash your hair?
Personal / I wash my hair every other day
What are the people in Japan doing now?
Personal / I think they are commuting
How often do you pray or meditate?
Personal / I pray every day
Say something you usually do
Personal / I usually check my emails in the morning
What time do you usually go to the gym?
Personal / I usually go to the gym at 12pm
How often do you cut your nails?
Personal / I cut my nails every week
What is/are your pet /nieces doing now?
Personal /I think he is playing / I think they are playing