The term for experiencing the trauma again, as though it is happening again.
What is flashbacks?
True or False: Trauma lives on in our bodies.
What is true?
The main subject of emperor moth.
What is willingness?
Not taking care of your emotional hygiene can lead to this.
What is a mental relapse?
CBT stands for.
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
Name a modality of therapy for treating PTSD.
What is CBT, CPT, EMDR, Somatic?
The author of The Body Keeps the Score.
Who is Bessel Van Der Kolk?
The AAR method is this.
What is to be aware, acknowledge, and to respond
Repetitive and passive thoughts focused on the causes and effects of a person's distress
What is rumination?
CPT stands for.
What is Cognitive Processing Therapy?
PTSD is considered a form of this.
What is avoidance?
The number of severely traumatized people who develop substance abuse problems
What is 1/3-1/2?
Relating to the emperor moth looks like this.
What is enabling, not trusting the process, or finding a quick way?
People who experience chronic loneliness are this percentage more likely to die.
What is 14%
ACT stands for.
What is acceptance and commitment therapy?
The part of the brain considered the watchtower.
What is the amygdala?
Trauma is also known as this in the body.
What is inflammation?
This person has to come off the fishhook first.
Who is yourself?
The percentage of people who suffer from substance use and mental health
What is 32.9%?
EMDR stands for.
What is eye movement de-synthetization reprocessing?
The percentage of people who experience a traumatic event who develop PTSD.
What is 20%?
The part of the body that plays a central role in regulating the gut, breath and heart rate.
What is the vagus nerve?
The fish in the water metaphor symbolizes this.
What is acceptance of the situation?
The name of the psychologist that coined the term emotional hygiene.
Who is Guy Winch?
DBT stands for.
What is dialectical behavioral therapy?