Ubi habitabat nympha Syringa?
Syringa habitabat in Arcadia.
The (late) medieval ages
Quot filias et filios habet Latona?
14 -- septem filias et septem filios
Imperfect tense, s/he was looking around
What is the title of Ovid's famous epic poem?
The Metamorphoses
Erat Syringa pulchra an foeda?
Who is speaking in this poem?
Olim lacus colueram,
olim pulcher exstiteram,
dum cygnus ego fueram.
The swan/Cygnus
Ubi habitabat Niobe?
Niobe habitabat Thebīs (in oppidō "Thebes")
What case is this noun, and how do you translate it?
Feminae dant tura deīs et deabus.
Dative case -- to the goddesses
A ghost
Cui dedicavit Syringa vitam suam?
Syringa dedicavit vitam suam Dianae.
What question does the speaker ask in this poem?
eia, quis me amabit?
Who will love me?
Cuius mater est Latona?
Latona est mater Apollonis et Dianae
How would you translate the ablative noun in this sentence:
Pan coniungit papyros cerā.
With wax (ablative of means)
What is the Latin word for goat?
Ubi Syringa transformatur in papyros?
Carl Orff
Quomodo necavit Diana et Apollo filios et filias?
Diana et Apollo necavit eos sagittīs.
He will be
What medieval abbess was famous for her theological, scientific, philosophical, and musical writing in Latin?
Hildegard von Bingen
What sort of musical instrument bears the name "Syringa" in Latin because of this myth?
The pan pipe
What is the name for a poem written in Latin with the author's native/vernacular language mixed in?
Macaronic Latin
What was Niobe's fatal or tragic flaw? What "sin" did she commit according to Greek religion?
Translate this into one Latin word:
We will have
Which one is not a Roman musical instrument?
a) fistula
b) tuba
c) tympanum
d) moenia
d) moenia