How are you?
I am ____.
Translate "Doctor"
Translate "형제" into English
Translate "Next to" in Korean
Translate "spoon" into Korean
What is your name?
My name is ____
Where can you go to see a doctor? (Building name)
Translate "Sibling"
Translate "위에" into English
Translate "How many people are there today?" into Korean
오늘은 몇 명이나 있나요?
Translate "나중에 봐요" into English
See you later/next time.
How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10?
I would rate my pain a ...
Do you have any siblings?
Yes OR No
Translate "Where is the _____?" into Korean
_____ 어디에 있나요?
Translate "Entrée" into English or name another name for it
메인 요리
Main dish
What do you not like? (Can be anything)
I do not like ____.
When is your appointment? (Answer the question)
My appointment is at ____ (time).
How many people are in your family?
There are ____ people in my family.
Describe where the supermarket is using "in front of"
The supermarket is in front of the ______.
Who asks "Are you ready to order?"
Tell me about your hobbies!
My hobbies include _____.
What brings you in today?
I think I broke my ___ OR I have a _____
Introduce someone in your family (name, age, relation)
I have a brother/sister/mom/dad/grandpa/grandma named ____. She/he is _____ years old.
Excuse me where is the school? (Answer the question)
The school is next to the hospital.
The school is above the fire station.
Pretend you are ordering food: What would you like to order?