What does the S in S.T.E.P. stand for?
Say the problem without blame
What does the T in S.T.E.P. stand for?
Think of solutions that are safe and respectful.
What does the E in S.T.E.P. stand for?
Explore consequences.
What does the P in S.T.E.P. stand for?
Pick the best solution (and make a plan).
Name 3 ways to calm down
breathing, coloring, listening to music, being active, walking away, reading, talking to a friend, count to 10, using a fidget, etc.
Give 2 examples of what blaming language sounds like.
"He/She/They said," "He/She/They did," "He/She/They always," "He/She/They never," "You always," "You never," etc...
Why is it important to think of solutions that are respectful?
So arguments don't continue.
So both people feel heard.
So we consider how others might feel.
Consequences can be both ________ and _________.
positive and negative.
If a solution is not as simple, it might require making a ______.
What are some examples of identifying information that should be kept off the internet/online profiles? (From our SCOOP Safety Lesson)
Name, picture of yourself, age, school, location/address, birthdate, etc.
Say this problem without blame.
Max and Erin are project partners. This is the second project they've worked on together. Max doesn't want to present the project to the class because she is afraid of speaking in front of a crowd. Erin also doesn't want to speak in front of the class because she did most of the speaking in their last project.
Max and Erin are arguing about who should speak in front of the class.
Max and Erin can't agree on who should speak in front of the class.
Lizzy and June are arguing over who gets to be captain. Although Lizzy was captain the last two times, June gives in and let's Lizzy be captain again because Lizzy said "If you're captain, nobody would probably want to play anymore." What's wrong with this solution?
It's not respectful or fair to June. Lizzy said something mean to June.
Give an example of a positive consequence.
several answers possible, some examples:
studying for a test = good grade
going to bed at decent hour = feeling rested next day
not missing any school = learning more/attendance award
What are 2 things you can do to help you carry out a plan?
possible answers: talk it out, write it down, break down a big task into smaller steps, make a checklist & cross off tasks as you complete them
From our SCOOP safety lesson, we talked about safety rules. If someone says they're picking you up from practice today but you don't recognize them, what should you do? (Hint: the C in SCOOP stood for this).
Call 1st to make sure
What should you do first before saying the problem without blame?
Calm down
Mason and Maria are arguing over who gets to pass out papers. Yesterday was supposed to be Maria's day, but they had a snowday so she missed her chance. Mason has now passed out papers the last two times and Maria felt it wasn't fair. What could be a possible solution for their problem?
Mason let's Maria pass out papers and they come up with a new schedule.
Neither Mason or Maria pass out the papers today.
Mason and Maria pass out papers together or take turns if there's more than one set of papers to pass out.
Mindy really wants to play soccer at recess but her 3 other friends want to jump rope. Mindy hasn't gotten to pick the recess activity for awhile now. The group discussed taking a vote on what activity to do. What would be a consequence if they go with this possible solution?
Mindy still won't get a turn at picking the recess activity.
Mindy will feel unheard and like things are unfair.
Sally's friend group and Adam's friend group have been CONSTANTLY arguing over who gets the corner lunch table. They've tried taking turns in the past, but sometimes it's hard to keep track of. Their possible solutions are:
1. Sally gets the table Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Adam gets the table Tuesday and Thursdays.
2. They take turns each week.
3. Neither group gets the table.
What is the BEST solution?
Neither group gets the table.
When reporting bullying, you should use your s______ and r_______ voice.
strong and respectful.
Will also accept: assertive voice
TJ lost his turtle keychain last week. When he walks in to class on Monday, he sees a turtle keychain on Alice's bookbag and says, "Hey that's my keychain, you stole it!" Alice responds, "No it's not! I found it outside, so it belongs to me!"
How can you say TJ and Alice's problem without blame?
TJ and Alice can't decide who's keychain it is.
TJ and Alice are arguing over who's keychain it is.
Stacy is mad at Joe because he took the basketball at recess. It's supposed to be Stacy's turn, but Joe said he's using it to practice for his game tonight and this is the only time he will have to practice some free throws. What could be a possible solution to their problem?
Stacy gives up her turn so Joe can practice today. Joe gives Stacy his next two turns to make up for it.
Stacy and Joe split time using the basketball today.
When exploring consequences, you need to ask yourself, "____ _____ ____ ___ ...?"
What could happen if...?
When picking the best solution, you should have considered:
1. if it is _______
2. if it is ________
3. both ______ & ________ consequences
if it is safe
is it is respectful
both positive & negative consequences
The part of your brain that is responsible for processing emotions is called the __________.