What was the name of the Hawaiian leader who opposed American Control
Queen Liliuokalani
What is the 19th Amendment?
The rights of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of gender.
Women can vote
Who pioneered the assembly line, lowering prices to produce cars
Henry Ford
Name 2 of the causes of the Great Depression.
Overproduction, Maldistribution of wealth, unreliable banking system, less exports.
What was the name of the entrepreneurs who built corporations in foreign nations?
Yankee Imperialism
What was the name of the cavalry unit led by Roosevelt.
Rough Riders
What new career path and college degree was created in part by Settlement houses?
Name 2 technologies introduced in the new era
radio, telephone, automobile mass production
Name some examples of escapism during the Great Depression.
Movies with escapist themes, like Wizard of Oz, Literature and journalism, Radio
What allowed the U.S to send military aid to Britain?
Lend Lease Act
What was the name of the ship that exploded in Havana Harbor, and what effect did it have?
USS Maine, the explosion caused congress to prepare the military and go into war
What were the 3 main reasons for women’s suffrage?
Natural Rights, No taxation without representation, and women should get rights as citizens.
what was the name for the image of women during this era that smoked/drank, wore makeup and skirts, and rebelled?
Flapper Image
What was the march of WW1 Veterans to Washington DC called?
Bonus Marchers
What two intelligence operations aided the Allies in the war?
Extra points: What was the mechanical system developed that was used to decipher. Japanese coding systems
Magic and Ultra
Bonus: purple
What was the name of the Filipino leader who lead the fight against the Americans
Emilio Aguinaldo
What are the 3 C’s of the Square Deal?
Control of corporations, Consumer protection (CFDA), and Conservation.
What was the name of the scandal during Warren G. Harding’s presidency?
Teapot Dome Scandal
What were Roosevelt’s radio talks to the nation called?
The fireside chats
What was the name of the people who were used to communicate and send information throughout the war
Navajo Code Talkers
What was the name of the man who popularized the idea that a strong navy was essential to maintaining global power.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Name one of the Trustbuster’s Big Acts.
Sherman Anti Trust act, Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act
Name the 4 Causes of WW1
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, nationalism
Name one aspect of Hoover acting too little too late.
RFC Financing, Businesses being paid to be open, and investing in infrastructure.
Name the three reasons for the attack on pearl harbor
expansion of empire, embargo, US Naval Fleet Expansion