1412 BCE
1412 CE
1412 CE
What geographical feature were all 5 of the first civilizations built around?
A River
Ancient Greece and Rome were mostly located in which continent?
What is the term for a religion with only one God or Diety?
Ghengis Khan was the Leader of what Civilization?
The Mongols
Which historical was chosen to be the change from BCE to CE (Also known as BC and AD)
Birth of Jesus
Please name any 2 of the 5 "first civilizations"
Indus River Valley (Harrapans)
Ancient Greece and Rome had polytheistic religions. What does polytheistic mean?
Have many or multiple gods/deities.
Which two world religions, still popular to this day, had their beginnings in India?
Hinduism and Buddhism
Reincarnation, Dharma, and Karma are all concepts from which religion?
This basic theme of geography asks questions like:
"Where is this place?"
And can be defined with either Absolute or Relative terms.
The Indus River Valley Civilization or the "Harrapans" were economically successful because they were masters of what economic skill?
What were the two dominate Greek City-States that had very different cultures and were often at war with each other?
Athens and Sparta
Which is the Oldest of the 3 Monotheistic "Abrahamic" religions?
The first civilizations began when humans stopped being nomadic hunter-gatherers and began to _________?
Farm/Practice Agriculture
Stay in one place
Why are mountains and deserts such good geographic features for protecting a civilization?
They isolate a civilization or make it harder for other groups to come and invade/start wars.
The Mesopotamian King Hammurabi is famous for creating the world's first what?
Code of Laws
Ancient Rome started as a Republic, a type of democracy where representatives vote for the people, but eventually became a what?
An Empire/Dictatorship
Which Religion started out in the Roman Empire, and was illegal for several centuries before being adopted by Emperor Constantine?
Who was mitochondrial eve? What about her is so important to the history of humans
She is the oldest fossil/evidence of a human skeleton or remains found on earth. All humans can trace our genetics and history back to her.
Name 3 Geographic Regions that Denver is part of
Denver Metro Area
Front Range
Mountain West
Contiguous America (Lower 48 States)
Western hemisphere
Others apply as well
1. People are fundamentally Evil
2. People must have Strict Rules
3. People who break the rules must be punished harshly.
Name any 3 Ancient Greek Gods. Double points if you can tell me what they were the God of.
Zeus - God of Thunder/ God of the Gods
Hera - Queen of the GodsPoseidon - God of the Sea
Hades - God of the Underworld
Athena - God of Weaving and Carpentry
Apollo - God of Music and Prophecy/God of the Sun
Aphrodite - God of Love and Beauty
Artemis - God of the Hunt/Nature
Ares/Kratos - God of War
Hephaestus - God of Blacksmithing
Hermes - Messenger of Gods
Dionysus - God of Wine/partying
Name any 2 of the 5 Pillars of Islam. Practices that all Muslims should follow to be good Muslims
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca, the Holy City
Salat - Praying 5 Times per day in the direction of Mecca
Shahadah - Muslim Statement of Faith
Sakat - Charity to the poor
Sawm - Fasting during the month of Ramadan
Please explain what the mandate of heaven was, and how it allowed different Chinese dynasties to establish power in ancient China.
The Mandate of Heaven was the belief that the current Dynasty of China had permission from God to rule. This permission or "mandate" would give them the right and authority to control the people of China. When the dynasty began to lose control and rule poorly, they would lose the "mandate" and someone else would kick them out and take over, gaining permission from god to rule.
This repeated over and over again.