Wash with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointments/alcohol if the victim has no allergies, and cover wound with bandage or sterile dressing.
Recite the Outdoor Code from memory!
As an American, I will do my best...
To be clean in my outdoor manners, to be careful with fire, to be considerate in the outdoors, and to be conservation minded.
Who founded BSA and where?
W.D Boyce and London
How do you treat 3rd degree burns?
Call 911. Use non stick bandages or a clean cloth to cover the wound. DO NOT APPLY OINTMENTS, CREAMS, SPRAYS ETC. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE CLOTHING. Treat for shock.
How do you treat nosebleeds?
Lean forward and pinch upper nose just below the bone, and on the upper lip just under the nose. Seek medical attention if bleeding continues after 15 minuets.
How should you prepare for potentially rainy/stormy trips? What are some hazards associated with these weather conditions?
Rain gear, extra clothes, prepare for temp drops, appropriate tenting gear.
Flooding, hypothermia, etc.
When was the first Official Girls troop established in BSA?
March 18, 2019
How do you treat shock?
Call for help. Check airways and restore breathing/circulation, control bleeding, check for poisoning, treat serious wounds.
Lie person down, and raise feet 12 inches if no torso-down injuries are sustained to help blood flow to vital organs.
Keep victim warm by using things like blankets and sleeping bags. Try to comfort.
How do you treat object in the eye?
Blink eyes rapidly, and flush eyes with clean water.
If object cannot be removed and the eye is injured, cover the eye with dry and sterile gauze and visit a medical professional.
How should you prepare for sunny/hot trips? What are some hazards associated with these weather conditions?
A lot of water, sunscreen, face and skin coverings. Adequate shelter.
Heat stroke/heat exhaustion/dehydration etc.
How many U.S Presidents have been involved in Scouts?
How do you identify and treat heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
Heat exhaustion: Severe lack of energy, weakness, headache, nausea, rapid pulse, cool and pale moist skin, rapid pulse, sweating.
Remove victim from sun and heat. Pale raise the tail, remove excess clothing. Slowly rehydrate. Call for medical help if systems persist.
Heat Stroke: Unconsciousness, vomiting, sweating, red/hot skin, rapid pulse, shallow breathing.
CALL 911. Remove person from heat. Remove access clothing and loosen remaining articles. Use practically anything to cool the person down (Ex, cool cloths, water, submerge in shallow water.) Focus on armpits, neck, and groin. Only rehydrate slowly if person is able to drink.
How do you treat blisters on hands and feet?
Relieve pressure/cause of blister & apply moleskin/molefoam. Treat as a minor cut/scrape if blister pops. DON'T POP IT INTENTIONALLY!
What are the three principals of Tread Lightly?
1. Travel Responsibly - Stay on designated roads and paths, avoid treading on healthy vegetation.
2. Respect the rights of others - Don't disturb other people lawfully enjoying the same areas as you are.
3. Educate yourself - Plan ahead and be aware of unauthorized areas.
Which Scouting Reserve is home to the one and only T-Rex Footprint
Hypothermia: Cold, numb, tired, unable to think straight, shiver uncontrollably, make poor choices (getting too close to flame), stumble/fall, loose consciousness, irritable.
Remove the person from elements/to a shelter, remove wet clothing and replace with dry/warm clothes, and further add layers. Give victim (able to drink) warm liquids. NO CAFFEINE. Call for help and 911 for severe hypothermia.
Frostbite: Numb/in pain in affected areas, grayish/white skin in affected areas.
Move person out of elements/into shelter. Rewarm injury by placing it in warm water NOT HOT until color returns. Do not treat if injury can refreeze or by using a dry heater or fire.
How do you treat 1st and 2nd degree burns?
1st Degree: Rinse with cool (NOT COLD) running water, and treat with aloe vera gel.
2nd Degree: Rinse with cool (NOT COLD) running water, and apply sterile gauze pads. DO NOT APPLY OINTMENTS, LOTIONS, CREAMS ETC.
What are the principals of Leave No Trace?
1. Plan ahead and prepare
2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces
3. Dispose of waste properly (Dispose of water 200 feet away from streams and rivers.)
4. Leave what you find
5. Minimize campfire impacts (Use minimal fire only when its permitted, put fires out, and source appropriate materials.)
6. Respect wildlife
7. Be considerate of others
Which big retail company was founded by the youngest Eagle Scout ever?
WALMART!!! (Sam Walton)
What do you do in HURRY cases? (4 TIPS)
1. Spine - Protect head, neck, spine, and back.
2. Breathing and heart - Survey for signs of breathing and life. Tap them on shoulder, say their name if possible, and ask if they're okay.
3. Severe bleeding - Open outer clothing layers to check for bleeding. Severe bleeding can be quick, soak through quickly, spurting.
4. Signs of poisoning - Look for indicators such as nearby pill bottles, fuel containers, other harmful substances.