Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Author's Purpose + P.O.V.
Figurative Language

the act of chasing something

What is the definition of pursuit?


disputed; argued against

What is the definition of contested?


On pages 57, find a detail from the text that supports this statement:

Spinelli kept writing novels, even though no one wanted them.

The quote "Three years later I finished it, but no one wanted to publish it. SO I wrote another. And another. And another. Wrote them on my lunch hours, after work, weekends. Four novels over thirteen years. Nobody wanted them" supports this statement.

What was the author's purpose for writing this autobography?

"The author's purpose is to ________ the readers about..."

The author's purpose is to inform the reader's about how he became a writer.


What is being exaggerated in the following sentence?

You're as tall as a skyscraper!

The height of the person is being exaggerated.


having to do with education and school

What is the definition of scholastic?


a great commotion or noise

What is the definition of tumult?


Look at page 54. What did the author mean when he wrote "And crash the Hall of Fame."

That the team should play so well they make it into the Hall of Fame.


What point of view is the story written in? First, second or third? How do you know?

First person. He is telling this story from his perspective.


What is being exaggerated in the following sentence?

I was dying of laughter!

How hard the person was laughing is being exaggerated.


a person guilty of misdeed or crime

What is the definition of culprit?


a wise teacher or advisor who offers guidance and support

What is the definition of mentor?


Look at pages 58-59. Since Jerry Spinelli is a children's book writer, why do you think Spinelli continues to write stories from the point of view of a child?

It makes the story easier for his audience to relate to.


What was the author's purpose for writing "Goal to Go"? (pgs. 54-55)

The author's purpose was to entertain the reader's about a thrilling football game he experienced.


Which of the following sentences is a hyperbole? How do you know?

1. His words were music to my ears

2. That’s the greatest thing anyone has ever said

Sentence two is a hyperbole. I know "greatest thing anyone has ever said" is an exaggeration.


to have something taken away or denied

What is the definition of deprived?


an amazing happening that cannot be explained by science

What is the definition of miraculous?


What details on page 59 suggests that the story is written from the point of view of a kid?

"Did my stepfather really drag me out of bed... on my summer vacation..." suggests it is written in the P.O.V. of a kid.


What are the three types of THIRD person point of view?

Omniscient- all knowing narrator

Limited- reader's know the thoughts and feelings of one character.

Objective- only actions are being narrated. No thoughts/feelings are present.


What does the author mean when he says he "continued to write stories about [kidhood] and to rummage through the attic of my memories."?

How he is using his own memories to write his stories.


made use of

What is the definition of employed?

in a stern of forbidding manner

What is the definition of grimly?


Look at page 60. Why do you think that Jerry Spinelli continued to write from a child's point of view? 

There were many more experiences he can recall from his "kidhood" that can be used in his fiction stories.


Identify the author's purpose being used in the examples below. Explain how you know.

1. A novel about a young girl who learns a lesson about bullying other students on the internet.

2. Directions on how to get to the mall.

3. A speech written by an athlete urging students to stay in school.

1. Entertain | this is a story

2. Inform | it is providing information on how to get somewhere.

3. Persuade | It is persuading students to stay in school


What is being exaggerated in the following example? Use details to support your answer.

He cried all night, and dawn found him still there, though his tears had dried and only hard, dry sobs shook his wooden frame. But these were so loud that they could be heard by the faraway hills …

(From: Pinocchio)

How upset he is. 

"cried all night" "dry sobs shook his wooden frame" " so loud they can be heard from faraway hills" are examples of hyperboles.